Association for Teacher Education in Europe
The Association ATEE is an international not for profit association founded in 1976 and based in Belgium; It is a membership-based association; The ATEE members are both individuals (researchers, teachers & students) and institutions (Universities & Research Institutes).
Mission To contribute to the development of both initial and continuous teacher education at all levels; To promote scientific research and the dissemination of related results.
Structure The General Assembly The Administrative Council The Research & Development Communities (RDCs)
Membership Individual membership (students, teachers, teacher educators) Institutional membership based on the size of University – College - Training Institute
Benefits of joining ATEE Free subscription to the European Journal of Teacher Education (five issues per year); On line access to the articles from 1978 onwards; Language support for authors who wish to submit an article Awards competition
Benefits of joining ATEE Discount prices on fees for all the ATEE Conferences Other ATEE publications at reduced rates The opportunity to be elected member of the Administrative Council and/or become RDC Chair The right to vote in the General Assembly, where general decisions are made
The RDCs The RDCs are the thematic working groups and the core of the association Provide the main platform for dialogue, exchange and joint international activities between individuals and institutions.
The RDCs The Research & Development Communities (RDCs) are organised around different themes. The 19 RDCs are groups where Teacher Educators from all over Europe and beyond meet, exchange ideas and co-operate. The main activities are shared research, EU funded projects, publications and the organisation of thematic seminars.
List of RDCs Methods and Theories applicable in Teacher Education Research Primary and Pre-primary Education Secondary Teacher Education Inclusion and Special Needs Education for Social Justice, Equity and Diversity Professional Development of Teachers Professional Development of Teacher Educators Technical and vocational teacher education
Health, Environmental and Sustainability Education Educational Leadership and Management Global Education Science and Mathematics Education Teacher Education and Digital Technology Curricula in Teacher Education In-Service learning and the Development of Practice
New RDCs Teacher Education and Educational Psychologies Professional Academic Integrity and Ethics Enabling Teachers for Entrepreneurship Education (RDC ENTENP-ED) Teacher Education for Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Publications The European Journal of Teacher Education (EJTE) – 5 issues per year The book Becoming a Teacher Educator published in 2008 New book to be published in 2017 Policy paper to be presented in 2017 13 13
The EJTE The exchange of research and practice is facilitated by the publication of the European Journal of Teacher Education (EJTE). The Journal is highly regarded and listed in the Social Sciences Citation Index.
Becoming a Teacher Educator Books Becoming a Teacher Educator Published by Springer 2008
Conferences Three conferences per year: Winter Conference – organised by one of the RDCs; Spring Conference – organised by an Institution in the Baltic Countries; Annual Conference.
2017 Conferences Spring Conference Innovations, technologies and research in education – University of Latvia Riga, 12-13 May 2017 Call for papers deadline: 30 March 2017
2016 Conferences Annual Conference Changing Perspectives and Approaches in Contemporary Teaching - 23-25 October in Dubrovnik - Croatia Website: Call for papers deadline: 15 March 2017
Projects Partner in the Consumer Classroom project Applied for Horizon 2020 project European Commission Cooperation with the European Commission: The outcomes of the ATEE conferences are translated to recommendations on the development of criteria for and use of indicators for teacher quality, teacher education, etc. ATEE is a member of the Working Group on School Policy since 2013
International relations The WFATE is the federation of Associations involved in Teacher Education: e.g. in the USA, in Australia, etc. The aim of the federation is to help countries to set up local associations of teachers educators.
Contact Association for Teacher Education in Europe Rue de la presse 4 – 1000 Brussels Follow us on Twitter @ATEE_Brussels, Facebook and LinkedIN Email: