Safety Documentation EHN1 EN Safety Office
Summary Safety File: The purpose Procedure – EDMS 1177755 Guidelines – EDMS 785546 The Safety Documentation for EHN1 The Editing process Edition timeline Contributors Stakeholders
Safety File: The Purpose The purpose of a Safety file is: To demonstrate and document that a facility is being, or has been, designed respecting Safety principles and; that it can be constructed, operated and dismantled safely. A safety file addresses: occupational health and safety (OHS); protection of the environment; facility integrity; operational safety.
The Procedure With the Quality Management Procedure: SAFETY FILES MANAGEMENT (EDMS 1177755) The preparation of Safety Documentation has become obligatory
The Guidelines To help you to fulfil your obligation a set of Guidelines has been written: EDMS 785546.
The EHN1 is Part of the North Area Facility EHN1 perimeter includes: B887 – EHN1 hall B890 (BA81): electrical power B895 (BB81): cryo compressors B907 – gas supply B909 and 922; And the transfer tunnels. TT81 TT82 TT83 907 890 BA81 895 BB81 909 922 887 EHN1 EHN1 perimeter to be covered
Safety Documentation for EHN1 In the context of EHN1, the safety documentation includes: The project (EHN1 extension) AND The existing EHN1. From EDMS 1350076
Safety Documentation for EHN1 The EHN1 contains the experimental pits A and B; the safety documentation for these areas will be prepared under EP dept. responsibility Interfaces will have to be assessed. Cryo plant Pit A Pit B
The Editing Process As shown in the Procedure EDMS 1177755, the Safety file is composed of 4 parts: § 2.1 Descriptive part, § 2.2 Demonstrative part, § 2.3 Operational part, § 2.4 REM (“Records, Experience and Monitoring”)
The Editing Process - the Timeline Existing EHN1 Current project phase EHN1 ext. From EDMS 785546
The Editing Process - the Timeline Current project phase EHN1 ext. Existing EHN1 The editing of the Safety Documentation takes place in parallel with the required Technical Documentation. CDR TDR Technical Specifications WP Descriptions Operational documentation Descriptive Demonstrative Operational REM
The Editing Process - the Timeline EHN1 ext Project timeline Descriptive and Demonstrative parts shall be on the way Operational part shall be ready Interfaces with Experimental areas
The Editing Process - Contributors The editorial work is coordinated by the Safety file Editor, who is assigned to this role by the Safety Officer of the Department mainly in charge of the study, project or facility. The Editor collects and assembles contributions prepared by Safety file Contributors. Contributors are typically experts of systems that are parts of the project or of the facility. A contributor is assigned to this role by his/her group leader.
The Editing Process - Contributors The assembled and edited draft contribution is sent back to the contributors for checking (verification that the editorial content is right) then to group leaders for approval. Each contributor and group leader shall check and approve the parts of the safety file that address systems and processes under their responsibility, including interfaces to other systems. After this approval, the file will be submitted to the SPS CSAP for recommendation to the Complex Manager.
Stakeholders Activity Leaders, as described in EDMS 1177755 are For the Neutrino Platform project: M Nessi, For EHN1 extension: L Gatignon. Contributing groups according to the WBS: Within the next two weeks, we request each group leader to assign one or more contributors. Safety file editor: S Cherault, HSE correspondent: J Gascon, RP representative: E Feldbaumer , Interfaces with EP dept: To be seen with EP DSO.
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