Meeting 02/27/2017 Short Overview UH-DAIS Lab Research Waterlevel Prediction and Flood Early Warning Systems Flood Risk Assessment (in collaboration with UT Center for Research in Water Resources) Flooding Funding Opportunities Feedback Concerning an NSF Planning Proposal Austin Fire First Responder Vehicle Flood Risk Maps (likely the theme of meeting with Jorge at 9:30a one floor up)
Predicting, Mapping, and Understanding Flooding Research Tasks: Predict Water Levels Flood Risk Mapping Early Warning System Understand Flooding People: Christariny Hutapea, Yue Cao, Chong Wang, and Yongli Zhang. UH-DAIS
2. A Generic DAG-Based Chaining Approach for WLP R(t),R(t-1),…(Rainfall) W(t), W(t-1),…(Water-level) V(t),V(t-1) (Stream Velocity) S(t), S(t-1) (Soil Moisture) Raw Data DAG of Measuring Points Prediction Scenario Mapping Tool currently under development at UH Model Execution Framework Data Sets (one for each Measuring Point) Single Target Prediction System uses f2 f1 f3 f4 DAG Models (one for each Measuring Point) off the shelf
Training Challenges for Data Driven WLP Approaches Need to extract historic water level and rainfall data from USGS National Water Information System, Austin Flood Early Warning System, HydroMet, HCFCD EWS, Seattle… Extract historical soil moisture data from NASA NALDS !?! Creating stream velocity data: use USGS, use the National Water Model predictions to create velocity data in training sets,…?!? Remark: Creating a Challenging Water Level Prediction Benchmark to Test and Compare Various WLP Systems is important! W3,t=f3( W1,t, W3,t-1, R3,t, V3,t-1, S3,t-1) Prediction Scenario f2 f1 f3 f4 DAG UH-DAIS
Using Learned Models to Make Water Level Predictions Rain Forecast has to be fed into the system; we do not plan to develop a rain forecasting system… Soil Moisture has also be fed into the system or alternatively be predicted; there might be some useful work at NASA SMAP Stream Velocity has also be fed into the system or alternatively predicted Those data have to be available in real-time or “almost real-time” W3,t=f3( W1,t, W3,t-1, R3,t, V3,t-1, S3,t-1) Prediction Scenario f2 f1 f3 f4 DAG UH-DAIS
Model Fusion and Meta Learning USGS Models ( What model works best under which circumstances? Model Fusion and Meta-Learning Data-driven Models for the Watersheds NOAA Models ( ) Our Project UH-DAIS
Flood Risk Mapping Integrating Polygonal Data 22t2hat Describe Levels of Flood 2. 2. 3. Flood Risk Mapping FEMA Warning Zones Contour Lines for Hand Value15 Find: Correspondence Find Agreement, Combine, … Austin Fire First Response Vehicle Flood Risk Map UH-DAIS
Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND) Flooding occurs when Water Depth is greater than HAND Flood HAND Normal
Statewide Addresses with HAND Texas Hand Map (7,600,000 Adress Points) 237 counties mapped 16 CSEC counties geocoded 1 non-CSEC county geocoded Statewide Addresses with HAND
Hand Value 15ft Contour Maps
Analyzing Different Polygonal Data that Describe Levels of Flood Risks Benefits and Objectives: Flood Risk Map Validation Flood Risk Map Standardization Creating Flood Risk Maps Automatically Mapping Agreement/Disagreement with Respect to Different Flood Risk Models. Understanding the weakness/strength of particular methods Creating “combined” flood risk models Dynamic Flood Risk Maps that adapt their appearance based on contextual information UH-DAIS
4. Flooding Funding Oppurtunities TWDB funded 17 projects most of which develop flood early warning systems, but there are other funding sources. NSF and other funding agencies provide funding opportunities for flooding related research; funding amounts range from $100,000 to $1,500,000. Development activities, such as those described earlier, can be funded and the City of Austin Flood Early Warning System and the Austin Fire Department could participate as stakeholders in these projects, and hopefully benefit from project results. Proposals usually require a social scientist to be on the proposal to investigate social, behavioral or HCI aspects of the product developed in this research. For example, on Feb. 16, 2017 Dr. Eick and S. Camille Perez (Texas A&M University) submitted NSF Planning proposal for $100,000 titled “Design of a Generic Water Level Prediction and Flood Early Warning System” to NSF 16-610 UH-DAIS
5. NSF Planning Proposal Design of a Generic Water Level Prediction and Flood Early Warning System Overview: Flood is the most hazardous natural disasters in the world …Consequently, many US cities developed sensor based early warning systems that collect water level and other data in real-time…One major research goal of the proposal is the development of a flood early warning system that provides the capability to predict future water levels. To accomplish this goal novel data-driven water level prediction techniques that interpolate the past into the future will be investigated, compared and fused with classical hydrological models. However, for a flood early warning system to be useful, it is critical to ensure that the needs of the stakeholders interacting with such a system are considered in the system design. Investigating the behavioral aspects and human-computer interaction aspects of stakeholders using flood warning systems is the second major research goal of this proposal. To accomplish these two goals, we plan to assemble a strong research team that consists of surface hydrologists and members of organizations, such as NOAA, that develop water level prediction models and representatives of flood control districts and emergency management departments of several US cities. UH-DAIS
6. Austin Fire Flood Risk Maps