FP2020 Reference Group Priority actions for 2016 Tim Evans, Sr. Director HNP Global Practice, The World Bank Group New or Updated Commitments & Priority Actions to Drive Progress to 2020 1. Policy Framework for Economic Growth, Poverty Reduction and Gender Equality 2015/16 WB/IMF Global Monitoring Report identifies accelerating demographic transition as priority economic policy for high fertility IDA countries. Population and Development is one of the six Global Solution Areas of the HNP Global Practice – Demographic change is now central to WBG planning tool for identifying priority challenges and IDA allocation in countries (the Systematic Country Diagnostic) WBG Sr. Management commits to providing additional resources to scale up support to demographic dividend, especially in the Africa region. HNPGP is one of the leaders behind the new WBG Gender Strategy, which recognizes filling the gap in access to RH/FP as one of its foundations 2. RMNCAH, including FP, is at the core of benefit package for UHC HNPGP is committed partner in GFF, SWEDD and other country programs that support access to comprehensive, high quality FP services FP2020 Costed Investment Plans are used as critical input for preparation of GFF Investment Cases (e.g. DRC, Cameroon) Teen age pregnancy rate is one of priority indicators in HNPGP's Results Framework, including to minimize its impact on stunting and negative ECD outcomes HNPGP is committed to sustainability of investments in RMNCAH – one of the GFF health financing indicators “current country RMNCAH expenditure per capita financed from domestic sources” 1. Policy Framework for Economic growth and Poverty Reduction - Demographic change (at the aggregate level) and reproductive health (at the household level) are proposed as critical factors for human development and poverty reduction in Systematic Country Diagnostics of pre- and early-dividend countries 2. Priority for HNP Global Practice - Population and Development remains one of the six Global Solution Areas - Teen age pregnancy rate is one of priority indicators in HNPGP's Results Framework 3. RMNCAH is at the core of benefit package for UHC in HNPGP's operational and analytical program - HNP is committed partner in GFF, SWEDD and other country programs Support to sustainability of investments in RMNCAH by tracking DRM – the health financing indicator for GFF tracks health expenditures per capita financed from domestic resources as well as for RMNCAH. 4. Partnerships for synergy and results - FP2020 Costed Investment Plans are used as critical input for preparation of Investment Cases in GFF and other operations (e.g. Pakistan) - One workshop is organized every year to facilitate mutual understanding of FP2020 and HNPGP operations, including GFF snd SWEDD - [for SWEDD countries, we are in discussions with FP2020 to (i) expand the scope of their monitoring (in adding DD indicators) and (ii) help them collect more data for their existing indicators (especially regarding public expenditures allocated to RH)] June 29-30, 2016 Reference Group meeting, London