Martes, treinta de Agosto del 2016 Lesson 1 Objectives: SWBAT talk about activities, tell where they’re from, and say what they like and dislike doing by using subject pronouns and the verb “ser”, by using “de” to describe where they are from, and by using the verb “gustar” with an infinitive. Unidad 1 – Lección 1 Martes, treinta de Agosto del 2016
Gramática: Subject Pronouns and “Ser” Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. Subject pronouns indicate who is being described or who does the action in a sentence. We are friends Nosotros somos amigos You are funny. Tú eres cómico.
The subject pronouns Subject pronouns are classified into the following criteria: Singular Plural 1st person Yo = I Nosotros(as) = we 2nd person Tú = You (familiar) Vosotros(as) = Y’all (used only in Spain) 3rd person Usted = You (formal) Él = He Ella = She Ustedes = You (like y’all) Ellos = they (♂, also ♀+♂) Ellas = they (♀)
Gramática: Subject Pronouns and “Ser” Ser means to be. Use ser to identify a person or say where he or she is from. Verbs change when they are combined with different subject pronouns, we call this change “conjugation”. Verbs that are not conjugated are said to be in the “infinitive” form
Conjugations of the “ser” Singular Plural 1st person Yo soy Nosotros(as) somos 2nd person Tú eres Vosotros(as) sois 3rd person Usted es Él es Ella es Ustedes son Ellos son Ellas son “de” means from!
Examples of saying where we are from Yo soy de Nicaragua. Tú eres de Kailua-Kona. Ella es de ‘Oahu. Usted es de California. Nosotros somos de los Estados Unidos. Vosotros sois de España. Ustedes son de Hawai‘i. Ellos son de El Salvador. Ellas son de México.
You can replace subjects with pronouns Maria AND Roberto =? Maria AND I = ? My friend = ? Maria = ?
You can replace subjects with pronouns Maria y Roberto = Ellos Maria, y yo = nosotros Mi amigo = él Maria = ella
Announcements Hispanic Cultural Festival – September 18th Need volunteers Students that participate can discuss with me about how to turn this experience into class credit. @ old Airport September 16, 2016 AMBIENTE MEXICANO AT HONOKA'A PEOPLES THEATER Time: 5-7 PM at Honoka'a Peoples' Theater. Cost: Adults $15/Children 3-17 $10 at the door. Lesson 1 Exam this week! Study your vocabulary Study your grammar (subject pronouns, ser, verb “gustar”) Practice listening, writing, and reading skills.
Gramática: Gustar with an Infinitive English Grammar: An infinitive is the basic form of a verb (unconjugated form) Verb: a word that expresses action or a state of being. In English most infinitives includes the word to. I like to run. I like to walk. I like to write. In Spanish, infinitives are always one word that ends in -ar, -er, -ir I like to run. Me gusta correr. I like to walk. Me gusta caminar. I like to write. Me gusta escribir.
Expressing what others like to do. Me gusta dibujar. I like to draw. Te gusta dibujar. You (familiar) like to draw Le gusta dibujar. You (formal) like to draw. He/She likes to draw. Nos gusta dibujar. We like to draw. Os gusta dibujar. Y’all (Spain) like to draw. Les gusta dibujar. Y’all like to draw. They like to draw. Me/te/le/nos/os/les gusta + infinitive
Let’s use these verbs to practice Beber refresco. Comer galletas. Escribir correos electrónicos Comprar papas fritas. Leer libros. Jugar al fútbol. Tocar la guitarra. Pasear en Ali‘i.
Let’s use these verbs to practice Me gusta beber refresco. Te gusta comer galletas. Le gusta escribir correos electrónicos Nos gusta comprar papas fritas. Os gusta leer libros. Les gusta Jugar al fútbol. Me gusta tocar la guitarra. Le gusta pasear en Ali‘i.
To emphasize or identify the person that you are talking about… Add: a + noun/pronoun A mí me gusta dibujar. A nosotros(as) nos gusta dibujar. A ti te gusta dibujar. A vosotros(as) os gusta dibujar. A usted le gusta dibujar. A él le gusta dibujar. A ella le gusta dibujar A ustedes les gusta dibujar. A ellos les gusta dibujar. A ellas les gusta dibujar.
Examples and Practice Remember to specify add a + noun/pronoun Examples: Juan likes to run. A Juan le gusta correr. The girls like to eat. A las chicas les gusta comer. Juan and I like to read. A Juan y a mí nos gusta leer. You try: Sandra likes to write e-mails. Juan and Julie like to ride bicycles.