Quasi-phase matching anti-Stokes SRS generation


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Presentation transcript:

Quasi-phase matching anti-Stokes SRS generation Nikolai S. Makarov Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics (Technical University) Victor G. Bespalov All Russian Research Center "S. I. Vavilov State Optical Institute"

Principals of quasi-phase matching Systems of SRS equations Outline Principals of quasi-phase matching Systems of SRS equations Numerical simulations results Conclusions References 2

Principals of quasi-phase matching (2) (3) Raman active medium 3

System of transient SRS equations  – waves mismatching, g – steady-state Raman gain coefficient, i – frequencies of interacting waves, T2 – dephasing time, q – phonon wave, Aj – complex wave amplitudes. 4

System of steady-state SRS equations  – waves mismatching, g – steady-state Raman gain coefficient, i – frequencies of interacting waves, Aj – complex wave amplitudes. In this system the waves mismatching and Raman gain are the functions of coordinate for nonlinear ((3)0) and linear ((3)=0) layers. 5

Efficiency of anti-Stokes SRS generation in Raman-active media Hydrogen  = 3.84 rad/cm g = 3.0 cm/GW. - There is an optimal ratio Is/Ip, for maximal conversion efficiency. - The ratio depended from waves mismatching and steady-state Raman gain coefficient. 6

Energy conversion at quasi-phase matching Hydrogen  = 3.84 rad/cm g = 3.0 cm/GW Is(0) = 0.0023 GW/cm2 efficiency  30% - At optimum ratio Is/Ip, conversion efficiency reached more than 30%, but Stokes intensity is higher then anti-Stokes intensity. 7

quasi-phase and phase matching Comparison of quasi-phase and phase matching Hydrogen  = 3.84 rad/cm g = 3.0 cm/GW 1 - quasi-phase matching 2 - without (quasi-) phase matching 3 - phase matching - Conversion efficiency at quasi-phase matching is lower than at phase matching and higher than at simple focusing in Raman media. 8

Lengths of active and passive zones - Similar plot can be achieved for barium nitrate. - Structure of layers is not periodical. - Lengths of active/passive layers are monotonously decreased/ increased. - It is essentially different from quasi-phase matching in (2) media. 9

Characteristic zone lengths - It is possible to approximate this dependence as La = 2.6/ and Lp = 3.9/. - With increasing of waves mismatching structure become more periodical. 10

Critical pump wave intensity - There is a critical value of pump intensity. - This dependence can be approximated as Icr.p=0.4Δ/g 11

- The Conversion efficiency can reached more than 30% Conclusions - For each medium there is an optimal ratio Is/Ip, at which conversion efficiency is maximal. - The Conversion efficiency can reached more than 30% - Structure of layers is not periodical. Lengths of active layers are monotonously decreased and lengths of passive layers are monotonously increased. - With increasing of waves mismatching structure become more periodical. - For each medium there is a critical value of pump intensity. 12

Acknowledgment I would like to thank: SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering for registration fee. CRDF - US Civilian Research & Development Foundation for support of my participation. 13

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