Unit 1: CULTURE and Early People
Geography Review
World Geography Review Political Map Physical Map A Different Perspective!
Political Map- Political maps are designed to show governmental boundaries of countries, states, and the location of major cities, and they usually include significant bodies of water. Physical Map- In addition to country borders, major cities and significant bodies of water, physical maps indicate the location of landforms like deserts, mountains and plains
Regents Question Which aspect of social science would a geographer most likely study in depth? (1) how beliefs influence the behavior of a group of people (2) how economic events influence history (3) how location influences the way people live (4) how people influence governmental decisions
I. Culture and Early People A. Culture: A people’s whole, unique, and special way of life. Culture is made up of ideas, beliefs, actions, superstitions, language, and ways of living.
Eskimo (Inuit) Culture
1. Cultural Identity: The way people view themselves 1. Cultural Identity: The way people view themselves and their culture (what they are). a. Values: Important (valued) beliefs or attitudes. (parents/guardian likes sports, religion, etc.)
b. Customs: Common way of behaving (hat off at dinner b. Customs: Common way of behaving (hat off at dinner table, celebrations, manners, etc.) c. Traditions: Pattern of behavior handed down from generation to generation. (Italians have fish on Christmas eve, my family goes to my grandmothers house for Christmas eve then to midnight mass to watch my cousin sing. Maybe something your family does every year or during a holiday)
B. Five Components of People’s Culture (GRELT): 1. Government (politics) and Social (people) Organization: a. Government/Politics- To provide for the people’s needs: safety, order, laws….
b. Extended family- several generations living in the same house. OR c. Nuclear Family- Father, Mother, children in the same house. Extended Family Nuclear Family
a. Monotheism- Belief in only one god (Christianity, Judaism, Islam). 2. Religion: a. Monotheism- Belief in only one god (Christianity, Judaism, Islam). b. Polytheism- Belief in more then one god (Hinduism, Shintoism, Greek, Roman…). Polytheism Monotheism
3. Economics: a. Deals with money, business, trade, and limited resources/scarcity (supply and demand). Decides what and how much will be produced.
b. Economist: A person who studies what, how, and for whom to produce a product.
c. Types of Economics: 1) Traditional: People using old techniques for survival and trade (usually agriculture=farming).
a) Characteristics of traditional economy:. -Hunting and gathering a) Characteristics of traditional economy: -Hunting and gathering -Subsistence agriculture: Farming only enough to survive with little or none left over to sell or trade. -Barter system: Trading of goods without using money.
5. Technology: Any advancement/invention in the 5. Technology: Any advancement/invention in the form of ideas, skills, and tools that are used to make life easier.
C. Cultural Diffusion: The spreading of a custom or an idea from one group or region to another. 1. Cultures spread because of: a) Trade b) Migration/Immigration: people moving from one area to another. c) War/Conquest d) Research/Curiosity e) Technology
D. Cultural Diversity: The differences of customs, values, traditions, ideas, and ways of living between different groups in a given region.
E. Ethnocentrism: When one culture believes it is better E. Ethnocentrism: When one culture believes it is better than other cultures, or compares other cultures to their own.
Regents Questions 1. Which phrase best describes the meaning of the term ‘culture’? 1. the advancement and progress of a nation. 2. the ability of humans to appreciate art and music. 3. all the ways in which a group of people live. 4. all the products that a group of people make and use. 2. The language, customs, religion, and values of a group are part of that group's 1. physical environment. 2. culture 3. physical characteristics 4. economy
3) Which is the best evidence that a culture may extend beyond many politically drawn boundaries? 1. The same language is spoken in many countries. 2. Neighboring countries often have different religions. 3. Independent nations have their own currency. 4. Countries near each other are often historic enemies. 4) Which social scientist specializes in studying issues such as the scarcity of resources and availability of goods? (1) anthropologist (3) economist (2) sociologist (4) archaeologist
5. Cultural diffusion occurs most rapidly in societies that 1. adhere to traditional social values. 2. have extended families. 3. come into frequent contact with other groups. 4. have a strong oral history. 6. Which activity would be the best example of cultural diffusion? 1. eating pizza in Russia. 2. touring the pyramids in Egypt. 3. attending a rugby match in England. 4. using chopsticks to eat a meal in China.
7. The religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share a common belief in 1. nirvana 2. monotheism 3. reincarnation 4. animism
8. Based on the information provided in this map, which statement is accurate? (1) The world’s largest icecap is located in northern Europe. (2) Most mountainous climates are located on the eastern borders of the continents. (3) The largest desert area stretches from western Africa through much of southwestern Asia. (4) South America is connected to Antarctica by a narrow land bridge. Document: