Do Now/Silent 10 Name 3 areas you think have low population and 3 areas you think have high population Why do you think some places have high or low population
Vocabulary-define these Birthrate Death Rate Natural increase Migration Demographic Transition Doubling Time Population Pyramid Population Distribution Population Density
Let’s explore! /2015-world-population-data-sheet/world- map.aspx#map/world/population/2015
Read: Demographic Transition Model (pg 87) Use the reading to try to answer these 2 questions How and why might the birthrate be different in industrialized vs. non- industrialized places? What about the birthrates in these 2 places is similar?
Page 6-7 1. Which continent has the highest population density? 2. What areas of that continent are more densely populated? 3. What factors might affect population growth? 4. Why do you think there are areas with a very low population density? 5. What do the black squares on the map represent?
What are we going to learn? WHAT is a population pyramid? HOW de we read a population pyramid? Recognize SHAPES of population pyramids. IMPORTANCE of population pyramids.
What is a population pyramid? It is a diagram that gives information about the proportion of males and females in each age group in an area, and also helps make predictions about future trends in that area
What’s it look like? What are the components? Vertical Axis - Age Groups Horizontal Axis – Percentage / number
Rapid Growth or Triangular-shaped Pyramid Why would this pyramid represent rapid growth? More kids than adults-population grew rapidly because a bunch of kids were born all around the same time.
Rapid Growth or Triangular-shaped Pyramid characteristics Shape: Broad Base/bottom - high birth rates Narrow Top - small elderly pop - high death rate Proportion: Large proportion of young High young dependency ratio Gender Ratio: Balance pyramid - Balance gender ratio
Slow Growth/Stable Growth Pyramid Why would this pyramid represent slow or stable growth? There have not been any significant or rapid changes in the population
Slow Growth/Stable Growth Pyramid Shape: Rocket-shaped / Narrow Base Slow pop growth Proportion: Large proportion of working population, 15-59 yr old Gender Ratio: Balanced pyramid
There has been an decrease in the population Declining Population Why would this pyramid represent a declining population? There has been an decrease in the population
Declining Population Pyramid Shape: Reverse pyramid shaped - Zero Pop Growth Narrowing Base - Low Birth Rates Proportion: Bars of equal length - Balance Proportion Gender Ratio: Balance pyramid - Balance gender Ratio
Population Pyramids in Transition