SALES SUCCESS What is possible if you follow the CMS system?
My success story in the CMS system 98-05 - Andreas Jönsson CMS Supertrainer
AUGUST 98 Working as a personal trainer in a CMS Club
APRIL 02 - Buys a CMS Club with my friends Begin selling 1, 3, 6 and 12 month memberships - Think I have a better way to sell than the Club Pro (SHAME ON ME!)
- I start using parts of the CMS Club Pro OCTOBER 02 - I start using parts of the CMS Club Pro
JANUARY 03 - I follow most parts in the CMS Club Pro and sell 105 memberships in a month
FEBRUARY 03 - Have 73 tours and sell 71 memberships - Get 13 referrals from new members (1 referral/Sales! Is Viking Crazy?) - Named Salesperson of the Year and receive my award from Mark Davis
MARCH-AUGUST 03 - Follow 100% of the Club Pro and I enroll most prospects - Most of the people I meet come from external marketing
AUGUST – DECEMBER 03 - Starts selling memberships in two Clubs at the same time - Receives 1 referral / sales - Educate 3 membership coordinators in ”How to sell”
JANUARY - MAY 04 Go from 1.0 to 1.5 referrals / new member ( Viking is not crazy after all ; )
FEBRUARY 04 - Sold 54 memberships out of 57 tours and received 105 referrals - Become ”Salesperson of the Year” for the second time
FEBRUARY 04 - This year Viking picked the five most successful salespeople in Sweden - After me, in second, third and fourth place comes the three people I educatded
JANUARY - DECEMBER 2004 - I visit and educate over 10 people in different CMS Clubs in Sweden
AUGUST 2004 - I visit and speak on a meeting for CMS Clubowners in Norway - I educate in Tel Trac Advance and Tel Trac CAMP in Norway
OCTOBER 2004 - I become really proud when Mike Chaet announce me as a CMS Supertrainer - I get my first golden loop for working on the referral
NOVEMBER 2004 - I visit the Club of the year in Norway and educates six people in Sales
JANUARY 2005 - My first national education in Sweden - With a lot of marketing I get 47 motivated owners and salespeople on my first CMS Sales Camp
JANUARY 2005 - My second education in Norway - Almost 30 people attends my two days Tel Trac
FEBRUARY 2005 - Top five salespeople in Sweden have over 90% in closing rate and get at least 1 referral from each new member
MAY 2005 - My second education in Sweden - With only a little marketing I get 51 people, in May…
MAY 2005 - Attend and speaks at a CMS Convention in the USA - Becomes Supertrainer of the year worldwide ( I´m very proud and honored to be a part of the CMS Team ; )
I LOVE NUMBERS! 7 2 6 5 6 7 4 3 9 1 5 2 4 8 1 3
Price development in US $
Card fee and Entry fee in US $
Closing percentage
Appointments from sales calls
100 Sales calls
New members from Internal VS External marketing
Lifestyle VS Regular
First 6 months of a Lifestyle member in my club
Price for Regular VS Lifestyle
Regular VS Lifestyle
REFERRALS - New Club (2003) - From 50 to 5 walkins or sales calls each month 100% Commission - What about follow the system to 100% and see what happens?
Referrals from new members during the sales presentation
Extra memberships from referrals in numbers (800 MS)
Extra sales from referrals in percentage
Extra sales from referrals in US $
Referrals from new members
Rolle Thommy Viking Mike Mark Thank´s for believing in me!