The study of the tissues of the body Lab 3 – Histology The study of the tissues of the body
There are four tissue categories: Epithelial Tissue Connective Tissue Nerve Tissue Muscle Tissue Histology is the study of tissues.
Epithelial tissue is composed of closely packed cells Connective tissue is composed of a few cells surrounded by lots of extracellular matrix (fibers, fluid, minerals, etc.) Epithelial Tissue Connective Tissue
Questions to ask for identifying tissues Epithelial tissue Connective tissue
Objective 2: Connective Tissues
CONNECTIVE TISSUES – Locations Most abundant tissue Found everywhere except for body surfaces Why not?
CONNECTIVE TISSUES – Functions Bind Support Protect Insulate Transport
Connective tissue has: Cells Fibers Ground substance Areolar connective tissue The prototype of connective tissues: Other connective tissues contain variations in the amount or type of cells, ground substance &/or fibers as found in areolar connective tissue
Connective tissue is relatively cell poor Contains many different cell types Fibroblast Adipocytes Mast cells Macrophage
Cell types Fibroblasts (cytes)*- secret /maintain ground substance (connective tissue proper) Chondroblasts (cytes)*- secret /maintain ground substance (cartilage) Mast cells – secret histamine, heparin Macrophages – phagocytes Adipocytes – fat storage Blasts secrete ground substance Cytes maintain ground substance
Ground substance Fibers Interstitial fluid Proteoglycans – viscosity Collagen fibers Elastic fibers Reticular fibers
Classes of Connective Tissue
Mesenchyme embryologic connective tissue Note star-shaped cells ground substance cells fibers
Connective Tissues Proper Loose Connective Dense Connective Areolar Dense Regular Adipose Dense Irregular Reticular
Loose Connective Tissue Reticular Areolar Adipose elastic fibers collagen fibers adipocyte nucleus adipocytes (vacuoles) reticular cell reticular fibers ground substance extracellular matrix Note: Reticular tissue also contains mast cells Note: Reticular fibers not seen
Dense Connective Tissue Dense Regular Dense Irregular Collagen fibers Collagen fibers Fibroblast nuclei Fibroblast nuclei
Cartilage Hyaline Elastic Fibrocartilage matrix elastic fibers collagen fibers Chondrocytes inside Lacunae Lacunae = “little lakes”
Tissue Comparisons Adipose Elastic Carilage Reticular
Objective 3: Membranes
Serous Membrane Parietal peritoneum Parietal pleura Visceral pericardium Visceral pericardium
Mucous Membrane Mucosa of nasal cavity Esophagus lining Trachea lung bronchi Mucosa of digestive tract
Membranes are simple organs composed of 2 tissues: Epithelium tissue Connective tissue Serous Membrane simple squamous epithelium areolar connective tissue Mucous Membrane stratified squamous, pseudostratified columnar, or simple columnar epithelium areolar connective tissue (lamina propria)
More in-depth information E-Reserves More in-depth information & Practice for identifying the tissues