Indoor Air Quality Police-project: a new practice to assess indoor air quality
About project Indoor Air Quality Police-project (funded by Tekes, grant number 4098/31/2015) is a national study that aims: to develop an internet-based online system that extend both collected indoor air quality data from the buildings and feedback of the users The project consist of five work packets that are closely combine together I Devices and sensors V Fieldwork II Internet of the items and data collection Workpackets IV Modelling of the conditions and analyzing of the data III Feedback of the users and feedback collection
Field measurements I Conducted in six secondary schools: - 4 with IAQ problems - 2 reference schools six classrooms from each schools 36 all together Questionnaire: 6th- 9th grade pupils and their teachers Two weeks period, at the end of the lessons Also paper questionnaires available Timetable: Autumn 2016 three schools Spring 2017 three schools
Field measurements II Two weeks: - humidity, temperature, carbon dioxide, TVOC, dustiness, noise and lightness (6 classrooms) - humidity, temperature, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, TVOC, ozone, arsine, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, formaldehyde and particles (one classroom) Other: - Settle dust sample from surfaces - Vacuumed dust samples for endotoxin analysis - 8 liters active air sample - Air samples for characterizing microbes and bacters - Outdoor T, RH, particles and other parameters - Pressure difference between indoor and outdoor - Amount of income and outcome from all of the ventilation endpoints
Symptoms and perceived indoor air quality questionnaires for teachers and pupils
Questions only first time: School Age Gender Health status Respiratory illnesses Allergic diseases Moisture damage of the home, pets, housing, number of the persons in family, smoking Student / teacher class / classrooom number
IAQ factors
What new…? We have an opportunity to assess an information about possible indoor air related symptoms and discomfort simultaneously with real-time measured exposure factors… …Information has been collected from the same indoor air space and from the same people for several times… …There is potential to notice and determine new markers that are in key roles and have adverse effect on indoor air quality and on human …Indoor Air Quality Police-project will establish a new practice to assess the associations between measured and perceived indoor air quality.
Now it’s your turn to answer You will get the link to the questionnaire by email Hopefully everybody here answer as soon as get the link You can choose are you ”answering firts time” or ”have you answered before” All your answers are deal with confidence and group-level Results are analysed by Kati and presented at the next time, 3.5.2017, first in the morning lessons 9-9.15 See you soon