The Dollar Bill Treasure Hunt
Study your dollar bill and answer the following “research” questions. 1. What is the serial number on your bill and why do you think it appears twice? 2. What president is pictured on the dollar bill? 3. In what year was your dollar bill printed? 4. Who was the Treasurer when your bill was printed? 5. Who was the secretary of the U.S. Treasury? 6. How many times does the word “one” or the number “1” appear on your bill as a designation of its worth? 7. What is the name of the Federal Reserve Bank of your bill’s origin?
8. What is the stated purpose of your bill? 9. Find the jagged edged black circle on the front of the bill. What letter is inside the circle and why is it significant? 10. Find the large circle, left hand side on the back of the bill. Count the rows in the pyramid. How many? 11. What do you think the eye means? 12. Find the Roman numerals at the base of the pyramid. Write them. What is their Arabic equivalent, and why is that number/date important? 13. What is the significance of the eagle?
14. Count the arrows in the eagle’s talons. Count the stars above 14. Count the arrows in the eagle’s talons. Count the stars above its head. Count the leaves on the olive branch. How many and what is the significance of the number? 15. What phrase is written under the circles? 16-25. Write down at least ten items that can be purchased with a dollar. 26.30. Write down other uses of a dollar besides purchases. Bonus Trivia: Check out What is the largest bill currently in print? Name the faces on the $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 What do the Latin words mean above and below the pyramid?