2nd General Meeting 9/23/2016 @ 7 PM Harris Room (HUC 2.212) Rowdy Crew Meeting 2nd General Meeting 9/23/2016 @ 7 PM Harris Room (HUC 2.212)
State-Mandated Risk Management Training Presentation I know it sounds intimidating, but I will try to make it as quick as possible. At the conclusion of the RMT PPT, please come up and sign the Compliance Form.
#UTSAIsAVolleyballSchool #UTSA>PooTEP
Now, for the more fun things: UTSA vs. ASU Recap Y’all ROCKED it! Homecoming 2016 UTSA vs. Southern Miss Game Info. for the Road Trip to the Rice game Basketball Info./Heads-Up Session with Tim Questions/Comments?
Homecoming 2016 Theme: Rundown of Events we are involved with Sprit. Pride. Tradition. Wait, isn’t that Rowdy Crew? Rundown of Events we are involved with PLENTY of ways to help out! Think of what’s for you, and we will have some sign-ups for you at the next meeting for the different events taking place!
Events for Rowdy Crew UTSA vs Poo-TEP Volleyball Window Wars Sunday 10/16/16 @ 1 PM in the Convo Window Wars Sunday 10/16/16 3 PM – 7 PM in the UC Game Week Wednesday Wed. 10/19/16 11 AM – 1 PM UC & Paseo Golf Cart Decorating Party Thurs. 10/20/16 6:30 PM – Midnight UC Lawn And, OF COURSE, …
BestFest 2016 Friday October 21, 2016 4:30 PM - ??? Convo Parking Lot One of the last events of a week-long Homecoming celebration @ UTSA Schedule of Homecoming Week: https://www.utsa.edu/homecoming/events/index.html Did someone mention we HATE Poo-TEP? …
Well, we do! Homecoming Football Game UTSA vs. Poo-TEP Saturday October 22nd @ 6 PM in the Dome But y’all already know we get ROWDY waaaaaaaaaaaay before Kick-Off!
UTSA vs. Southern Miss *This one is happening before Homecoming* 10/8/16 @ 11 AM in the Dome This is the only early game this season. Free Shuttles will be from 7 – 8. Spirit Walk will be around 8:45 or 9. Rowdy Rush check-in will be at 10. Make sure to get your VIA Token(s)!! We will be having another meeting the day before the game on 10/7/16 in here @ 7 PM.
UTSA @ Rice Road Trip Oct. 15 @ 6 PM in Houston, TX It’s their Homecoming game… *Turn it over to Analicia for Prices & Info.* We will have another meeting on Oct. 14 to discuss any possible changes Same place, same time!
Basketball Time With Tim!
Questions/Comments? My Contact Info.: Phone: (254)230-2840 E-mail: sburnside444@gmail.com Twitter: @Sam_Burnside4 Feel free to slide into the DM’s Next Meeting is Oct. 7th @ 7 PM in the Harris Room (HUC 2.212) See y’all there! Stay Rowdy!