S.Bettarini On behalf of the SuperB-SVT


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Presentation transcript:

S.Bettarini On behalf of the SuperB-SVT Towards the Test-Beam 2011 S.Bettarini On behalf of the SuperB-SVT OUTLINE: Beam: SPS@CERN 120 GeV p+/- DUTs list and possible configurations The movable table Integration: Mechanics/ Power Supply /cooling-drying System test in Bo Conclusions XVII SuperB workshop & kick off meeting – SVT parallel session 31-05-2011

HOW TO FIND THE RESOLUTION OF THE DUT 300 um Si 300 um Si 300 um Si T1-2 DUT T3-4 sresidual sMS on DUT sextr-track True hit Smeared hit Fit (w/o DUT) Extrapolation True hit T1T4 D zDUT d d s2resolution = s2residual - s2extr-track - s2 MS on DUT depends on (zDUT,resoT,MST) depends on (zDUT,MSDUT)

SPS (@CERN): 120 GeV p+/- Telescope with 2+2 moduli 4+1 Telescope modules under Construction by TS (now in Pisa for bonding) Schedule: BIG-MD inside our period In touch with RunCo to get more beam-time.

Layout of the “demostrator” SC SC DUT: Striplets Analog MAPS V.I. MAPS Hybrid pixel MAPS romaIII MAPS PG X-Y sides X-Y sides E. Spiriti Officially gave up Movable-table Telescope hits available (offline) for track-reconstructions for MAPS-PG DAQ PG (and PI for analog maps) synchronized to the main DAQ High P and small divergence beam necessary for test of small sensor  SPS

Test-Beam 2011: DUTs list 3x3 matrices apsel3T1 for efficiency measurement before and after neutron irradiation. Hybrid pixel det: superpix0 (32x128) bump-bonded to High-W pixel det. for efficiency/resolution vs THRs and angle scan: carrier mounted on the apsel4D PCB under test the feasability to run the DAQ with ¼ of the matrix at a time (known r.o. feature of the chip) fiducial region CUT for (for efficiency) “V.I.” MAPS (pilot run) for efficiency measurement 3x3 matrices (called 5T_3D) on 2D wafer carrier per PCB of 5T Striplets Module: under test in 2008. Further studies needed (lower THRs and 45o70o angle) Apsel4D(1): MAPS 32x128 matrix under test in 2008. Under test in 2008. Statistics needed for 45o70o angle scan. Associative Memories test (flag or active). To be used to provide an efficient trigger with small matrices

Set priorities The Lab. characterization of the DUTs is ongoing In FRASCATI, M.Villa clearly SET a constraint by the DAQ: the striplet DUT is not compatible (unless a huge work in re-design of the DAQ arch.) with digital pixel DUTs. Thus, the mechanical set-up must arrange: Angle scan with 1! DUT (with rot. axis on the det.) Hybrid pixel, striplet module and apsel4D Normal incidence 2 modules at a time: 1 large digital (apsel4D, hybrid) pixel module with 1 small analog pixel module 2 large digital (apsel4D, hybrid) pixel module 2 small analog pixel modules 1 striplet module + 1 small analog pixel module To be discussed: give new detectors higher priorities wrt further (TDR) studies? TS must carefully estimate the BEAM-TIME for the test needed to give the necessary information for the (striplets) TDR studies. Also crucial to negotiate more beam-time with SPS coordinator.

Even More ? 3x3 matrix apsel 3T2 and 5T (possible) matrix 3x3 run IBM 65 nm (under test in BG): it depends on latest test results “V.I.” MAPS (pilot run) Not yet in our hands! Hope to arrive soon for Lab characterization. Matrix apsel4D-like 8x32 (3D_TC): carrier mounted on apsel4D PCB The final decision on that to be taken in very few days from now.

Movable Table (TO) D.Gamba managed to have a more robust table with a simplified controller/driver scheme, easily piloted via LabVIEW (relevant quotesDAQ) On the 10th of May Table mounted in BO The rot/transl. stages of the DUTs changed TO/TS/PI agreement: For Telescope module: TS design/build the telescope holder TO “ the interface to the table For DUTs: PI design/build the interfaces for: 1 DUT configuration (pixel of striplets) 2 DUTs “ The mechanical pieces will be installed and tested (for rework) on the table in BO, in the period 1113 july

Modules alignment on the beam line y Base (thickness D) PG z Upper part of the Table The upper base of the rotating stage can be moved upward/downward in the y direction within the range [+5, -7] cm. Note: under the 3-telescope module support, a base to fix that to the table railway is required. Its thickness D (order of some cm) must be chosen by PI and implemented in the mechanical base (by TO) after considering all the pixel DUTs. The PG group must be kept informed on that: D must be added to 7.45.

Other Important issues Dry (…and clean) air-cooling: baseline system as in 2009, even if marginal in T: CERN Filter (provided by run-coo) 8 channels manifold + Vortex: 6-Tele + 2-DUTs TS in charge of that (8-10 june in Bo) T monitoring: field-point (PI) with Power Supply interlock Beam-scintillators (as in 2008)

Test-beam 2011: next steps System TEST in BO: DAQ already able to perform tests with a superpix0 chip Table already mounted (10/5) 2008 stuff (old telescope modules, black and blue cables, crates, …) to be transferred there on 8-10/6 Starting on the 11th of july in Bo: Install motor switches and operate movable table Mount new mechanical holder for Telescope and DUTs Installation of Power Supply, monitoring, ilk, new dry-air manifold Optimize calibrations vs time (digital pixel and striplets) Analog maps test (DAQs synchronized as in 2008) AM integration and implement small matrix trigger At the beginning of September: Perform latest DAQ tests Dismount & package all the system Fix the parts of the table and insert it in the shipping box(80cmx160cm, h=120cm ): we’ll save time/work wrt 2008! Checklist for CERN readiness

After Gr. I referees’ work, extra funds came After Gr. I referees’ work, extra funds came. Each PI must check final status of their MI & ME MANPOWER: BO: DAQ M.V.: daq master F.M.G.: masks/DAQ configs/calibrator/… Tecnician: inst./de-inst. PI: S.B.: run-co/glimos/monitoring/ps G.R.: MAPS/hybrid E.P.: analog maps/beam steering A.L.(+ B.H.): data analysis F.M.: electonics x all For AM: M.P. : firmware, inst/de-inst Magalotti P.G. PV/BG: Shifts / MAPS TO: Table steering and shifts D.G., student, tecnician TS: telescope + striplets L.V. + P.C.(tech) + L.B. SEE (24-5) F.Forti’s mail. Each local responsible must check if there are problems on MI & ME.

SuperB/VIPIX Test-beam milestones proposed for 2011 7/2011 system test in BO 12/2011 Preliminary results on test-beam data analysis on V.I. devices and hybrid pixel.

Conclusions We have to switch into test-beam mode: We need short (1/2 h) weekly meeting and frequent mails exchange to monitor the progressing works on every items: DAQ/Mechanics/Monitoring/Integration After some initial discussion, finalize AM tool for triggering on small matrices. Work on Mechanics: devil’s in details! Converge before summer holidays. Let’s devote the first two weeks in September for last-minute checks and packaging.