Projection in Spanish Jorge Arús Hita Universidad Complutense de Madrid PolySystemic Roundtable on Projection: Multilingual Studies on Quoting and Reporting 7 December, 2015
About Spanish Source:
About Spanish Source:
About Spanish Native speakers: 450 million ; Speakers of Spanish as a second language: 100 million Source:
Main features of Spanish Inflectional language Number agreement Las camisas verdes / La camisa verde (‘The green shirt(s)’) Gender agreement La camisa (f.) negra / El vestido (m.) negro (‘the black shirt/dress’) Subject / Verb agreement (examples for everything) El niño jueg-a / Los niños jueg-an (‘the kid/kids play’)
Metafunctional characteristics of Spanish Traditionally seen as a free-syntax language [Subject:]Pedro [Ver:]está jugando [Complement:]al fútbol [Circumstance:]con los chicos (‘Peter is playing soccer with the kids’) [Complement:]A Pedro le [Verb:] gusta [Subject:] jugar al fútbol con los chicos (‘Peter likes playing soccer with the kids’ [lit. To Peter likes playing soccer with the kids’)
A metafunctional view reveals more things Pedro está jugando al fútbol con los chicos Actor Process Range Circumstance Subject Finite + Predicator Adjunct Theme Rheme Peter is playing soccer with the kids Actor Process Range Circumstance Subject Finite + Predicator Complement Adjunct Theme Rheme
A metafunctional view reveals more things A Pedro le gusta jugar al fútbol con los chicos Senser Process Phenomenon Adjunct Finite + Pred Subject Theme Rheme Peter likes playing soccer with the kids Senser Process Phenomenon Subject Finite + Pred Complement Theme Rheme
Metafunctional profile of projection in Spanish
Metafunctional profile of projection in Spanish
Logical projection in the environment of clause complexes: locution
Logical projection in the environment of clause complexes: locution
Logical projection in the environment of clause complexes: idea
Logical projection in the environment of clause complexes: idea
Finite^Subject in projected MOOD
Projection in the environment of intricate clause complexes
Projection in the environment of intricate clause complexes
Behavioural process pressed to serve verbally
Experiential projection in the environment of the clause
Experiential projection in the environment of the clause
Experiential projection in the environment of the clause
Experiential projection in the environment of the clause
Experiential projection in the environment of the group
Experiential projection in the environment of the group
Interpersonal projection in the environment of the clause
Interpersonal projection in the environment of the group
Projection at the level of discourse
Projection in Spanish Muchas gracias / 多謝 Jorge Arús Hita Universidad Complutense de Madrid PolySystemic Roundtable on Projection: Multilingual Studies on Quoting and Reporting 7 December, 2015