Configure and Manage Your Hybrid Cloud Environment at Scale 6/8/2018 4:36 PM Configure and Manage Your Hybrid Cloud Environment at Scale Jenny Hunter, Eamon O’Reilly Program Managers © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Full stack of cloud management capabilities GOVERN SECURE Policy Management Cost Management Security Management Threat Protection CONFIGURE Microsoft Azure PROTECT Configuration Update Management Automation Scripting Backup Disaster Recovery MONITOR App, Infra, & Network Monitoring Log Analytics and Diagnostics
Automation & Configuration 6/8/2018 Automation & Configuration Key Features Manage any cloud & on premises Process Automation Update Management Configuration Management Windows & Linux Process Automation Author PowerShell, PowerShell workflow, Graphical, and Python 2 (Public Preview) Hybrid Runbook Workers with Proxy support Watchers (October 2017) Update Management Insights across Windows & Linux Orchestrated updates and troubleshooting Configuration Management DSC Configurations, Pull service Node Management & Reporting Change Tracking and Inventory Track configurations across your environment Easy Onboarding RunAs account for Azure management Gallery of runbooks and modules from Microsoft and community Shared capabilities across features Role Based Access Control Secure, global store for variables, credentials, certificates, connections Schedules Source control support Tags Integration Full SDK with PowerShell, .Net, and REST Webhooks to start runbook remotely ITSM support OMS AWS & Service Providers Azure Automation & Config Hybrid Worker On-Premises Hyper-V VMWare OpenStack Hybrid management Integrate existing systems Reliable, highly available, scalable © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Demo Jenny Hunter, Eamon O’Reilly 6/8/2018 4:36 PM © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Pricing for these capabilities Capability Meter Free units included (per month) Price Update Management Any node N/A Free Configuration management Azure Non-Azure 5 Nodes $6/Node Process Automation Job run time 500 minutes $0.002 / minute You pay for log data stored in the Azure Log Analytics service. Detailed pricing.
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Azure Security & Operations Management Sessions 6/8/2018 4:36 PM Azure Security & Operations Management Sessions Code Title Time Slot BRK 3378 Datacenter Transformation – A Roadmap for Platforms, Processes, and People Monday 4:00–5:15 BRK 1027 Azure security and management for hybrid environments Tuesday 9:00–10:15 BRK 3201 Simplify hybrid cloud protection with Microsoft Azure Security Center Tuesday 10:45–12:00 BRK 2101 Business continuity for your business running in IaaS Tuesday 12:30–1:45 BRK 2201 Gain full-stack insights into your hybrid IT environment and take action with Azure solutions Tuesday 2:15–3:30 BRK 1023 System Center for the modern datacenter: First look at advancements coming this year Tuesday 4:00–5:15 BRK 1024 Implement a secure and well-managed strategy for your Azure resources Wednesday 9:00-9:45 BRK 2238 Implement Governance in Azure at Scale with Policy-based Management Wednesday 9:00–10:15 BRK 3139 Respond quickly to threats with next-generation security operation, and investigation Wednesday 10:45–12:00 BRK 2145 Optimize Azure for Disaster Recovery Wednesday 12:30–1:45 BRK 3124 Manage Microsoft Azure at enterprise Scale: The Microsoft IT story Wednesday 12:45-1:30 BRK 3128 PowerShell Unplugged with Jeffrey Snover and Don Jones Wednesday 2:15–3:30 BRK 3212 Cloud attacks illustrated: How unique insights from Microsoft help you defend against attacks Wednesday 4:00–5:15 BRK 3100 Manage Configurations and Update/Patch Windows and Linux Servers with Azure Management BRK 2061 Make the most of Azure by using Cloudyn to monitor, allocate and optimize your cloud spend Thursday 9:00–10:15 BRK 2396 Protect Azure IaaS deployments using Microsoft Azure Security Center BRK 3106 Ensure application availability with Azure Site Recovery Thursday 10:45-12:00 BRK 3223 Analyze & Debug applications across your DevOps workflow with Azure Application Insights BRK 3129 Manage hybrid cloud and transform your workplace with PowerShell and Azure Automation Thursday 12:30–1:45 BRK 2212 Gain visibility into network performance and availability with network monitoring solutions in Azure Thursday 12:45-1:30 BRK 3132 Protect your data with Microsoft Azure Backup Thursday 2:15-3:30 BRK 2092 Azure Management technical framework for partner extensibility Thursday 4:00–5:15 BRK 3211 Microsoft System Center 2016 in action: Customer use cases to implement today BRK 3269 The improved Azure Log Analytics: A powerful query language with machine learning, and more Friday 10:45-12:00 BRK 3210 Defense against the dark (cloud) arts: Azure security deep dive Friday 12:30-1:45 © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.