(1) Adaptations: the heart Myocardium (heart muscle) Maximum cardiac output Stroke volume Resting heart rate
(2) Adaptations: the heart Myocardium (heart muscle) Maximum cardiac output Stroke volume Resting heart rate Hypertrophy of the myocardium (heart gets bigger and stronger) which means more blood can be pumped around the body
(3) Adaptations: the heart Myocardium (heart muscle) Maximum cardiac output Stroke volume Resting heart rate Hypertrophy of the myocardium (heart gets bigger and stronger) which means more blood can be pumped around the body Increases
(4) Adaptations: the heart Myocardium (heart muscle) Maximum cardiac output Stroke volume Resting heart rate Hypertrophy of the myocardium (heart gets bigger and stronger) which means more blood can be pumped around the body Increases
(5) Adaptations: the heart Myocardium (heart muscle) Maximum cardiac output Stroke volume Resting heart rate Hypertrophy of the myocardium (heart gets bigger and stronger) which means more blood can be pumped around the body Increases Decreases (bradycardia)
(6) Adaptations: the lungs Maximum minute ventilation Strength of respiratory muscles Lung volume Diffusion rates
(7) Adaptations: the lungs Maximum minute ventilation Strength of respiratory muscles Lung volume Diffusion rates Increases due to an increase in tidal volume and respiratory rate
(8) Adaptations: the lungs Maximum minute ventilation Strength of respiratory muscles Lung volume Diffusion rates Increases due to an increase in tidal volume and respiratory rate Become stronger, making breathing more efficient
(9) Adaptations: the lungs Maximum minute ventilation Strength of respiratory muscles Lung volume Diffusion rates Increases due to an increase in tidal volume and respiratory rate Become stronger, making breathing more efficient Small increases in resting lung volume result in a greater area for diffusion to take place
(10) Adaptations: the lungs Maximum minute ventilation Strength of respiratory muscles Lung volume Diffusion rates Increases due to an increase in tidal volume and respiratory rate Become stronger, making breathing more efficient Small increases in resting lung volume result in a greater area for diffusion to take place Improve
(11) Adaptations: the blood Blood volume Blood acidity
(12) Adaptations: the blood Blood volume Blood acidity Increases, due mainly to an increase in blood plasma; this decreases blood viscosity, which allows greater flow through the capillaries and a small increase in red blood cells, which enhances oxygen transport
(13) Adaptations: the blood Blood volume Blood acidity Increases, due mainly to an increase in blood plasma; this decreases blood viscosity, which allows greater flow through the capillaries and a small increase in red blood cells, which enhances oxygen transport Less acidic at rest but more acidic during exercise due to a greater tolerance of lactic acid
(14) Adaptations: the vascular system Elasticity of arterial walls Capillary network surrounding the lungs and skeletal muscle A-VO2 diff
(15) Adaptations: the vascular system Elasticity of arterial walls Capillary network surrounding the lungs and skeletal muscle A-VO2 diff Increases, making it easier to cope with fluctuations in blood pressure
(16) Adaptations: the vascular system Elasticity of arterial walls Capillary network surrounding the lungs and skeletal muscle A-VO2 diff Increases, making it easier to cope with fluctuations in blood pressure Increases, allowing more gaseous exchange to take place
(17) Adaptations: the vascular system Elasticity of arterial walls Capillary network surrounding the lungs and skeletal muscle A-VO2 diff Increases, making it easier to cope with fluctuations in blood pressure Increases, allowing more gaseous exchange to take place Increases
(18) Adaptations: the muscles 1 Myoglobin content Number of mitochondria Enzyme activity Glycogen and trigyceride stores
(19) Adaptations: the muscles Myoglobin content Number of mitochondria Enzyme activity Glycogen and trigyceride stores Increases, which means that more oxygen can be stored in the muscle
(20) Adaptations: the muscles Myoglobin content Number of mitochondria Enzyme activity Glycogen and trigyceride stores Increases, which means that more oxygen can be stored in the muscle Increases, which increases aerobic metabolism
(21) Adaptations: the muscles Myoglobin content Number of mitochondria Enzyme activity Glycogen and trigyceride stores Increases, which means that more oxygen can be stored in the muscle Increases, which increases aerobic metabolism Increases, which increases the efficiency of the aerobic system
(22) Adaptations: the muscles Myoglobin content Number of mitochondria Enzyme activity Glycogen and trigyceride stores Increases, which means that more oxygen can be stored in the muscle Increases, which increases aerobic metabolism Increases, which increases the efficiency of the aerobic system Increase