Operation Christmas Child Data Management System REPLACE THIS BOX WITH YOUR ORGANIZATION’S HIGH RESOLUTION LOGO David Bretz, Cody McWilliams Abstract Purpose This is a web application that is to be used at drop-off locations as well as special events across the state for Operation Christmas Child. It will be used to gather information from individuals as well as determine drop-off statistics for drop-off locations. All information will be entered into a database and retrieved as needed Donations will be associated with a drop-off location using geolocation. Digitize paper forms that are currently being used Reduce short-term volunteer training Increase data integrity Reduce year-round volunteer time dedicated to processing paper forms Eliminate the need to decipher illegible handwriting Figure 4. BPM of the donor information being collected at a Drop-Off Location Database Design Stores contact information for individuals and organizations Tracks created events and Drop-Off Locations Tracks pastors of churches and Project Leaders Stores all shoebox drop-off events Stores user accounts for Year-Round Volunteers Figure 1. Donor dropping off shoeboxes at a Drop-Off Location Figure 3. Home page for OCCDMS Motivation The current paper method of data collection results in considerable loss of data due to illegible or incomplete forms Volunteers spend 20+ hours annually processing Drop-Off Logs There is a lack of continuity between donor lists used by various volunteers The system will give all volunteers access to current data as needed in a useable format Figure 2. Detection radius for a Drop-Off Location or event Figure 5. OCCDMS Database Layout Contact Project Supervisor David Bretz Computer Science and Engineering Email:dmbretz@alaska.edu Phone: (907) 748-9435 David Bretz Computer Science and Engineering Email:dmbretz@alaska.edu Phone: (907) 748-9435 Dr. Kenrick Mock Computer Science and Engineering Email:dmbretz@alaska.edu Phone: (907) 748-9435 Figure 1. Database Layout for OCCDMS