Period 2 Test Review Questions
This dynasty is the source for the name China. Qin
The Punic wars were fought between what two groups? Carthage and Rome
What religion teaches its followers to live in harmony with nature? Daoism
What caused the end of the Zhou Dynasty? Fighting among the nobles
When did the Han Dynasty begin its rule? 200 BCE
What group brought the varnas, which became the caste system, to India? Aryans
Who was Alexander’s teacher? Aristotle
What period of Chinese history did Confucius live during? Late Zhou (Era of Warring States)
Hellenistic culture combined the traditions of which world regions? Mediterranean, Middle East, and South Asia
Each caste is subdivided into smaller groups called a jati Each caste is subdivided into smaller groups called a jati. What is an individuals jati based on? Occupation (job)
This was a long trade route that stretched from Europe to Asia? Silk Road
This was India's first major Empire Mauryan
The grandson of Chandragupta Maurya, this man is arguably India's greatest ruler. Ashoka
This trade network was reliant upon seasonal monsoons. Indian Ocean Trade Network
Asoka contributed to the spread of this religion in South Asia after his conversion. Buddhism
Asoka is known as a beneficent leader because he Built roads, conquered most of the India, and spread Buddhism
The Qin began to build this in response to nomadic invaders from the northwest. The Great Wall
These are the three dynasties of classical China Zhou, Qin, and Han
The Mauryan Empire was founded by? Chandragupta Maurya
What two empires were connected via a trade network during the Greco-Roman era? Han and Roman
This was the second greatest Empire in classical India? Gupta Empire
What political philosophy was introduced in the Qin Dynasty? Legalism
These were the two groups that made up the governing body of the Roman Republic. Patricians and Plebeians
Which Roman emperor was responsible for splitting the empire into two? Diocletian
What reformer created a law code for Athens? Solon
Arch was introduced to the Europe by what group? Mycenaeans
What religion was introduced to and became dominate in Ethiopia as a result of trade and contact with the Mediterranean world? Christianity
This Persian leader attacked Greece by land (Thermopylae) and by sea (Salamis)? Xerxes
The Peloponnesian War broke out between the Athens-centered Delian League and one dominated by Sparta
This Han ruler was successful at repelling the Xiongnu (Huns) and is the most famous of all the Han emperors. Wu Ti
a volcanic eruption, tidal waves, hostile invasions All of the above caused the decline of what civilization? Minoan
Who was the elder philosopher who taught by asking questions? Socrates
This dynasty is unique because it was spanned both the ancient times and classical age. Zhou
What happened when Alexander died in 323 BCE? It was divided among his generals
With the collapse of the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire what trade network also experienced a decline? Silk Road
How does a Hindu break the cycle of samsara (reincarnation)? Must perform their dharma (and have good karma, and reach moksha)
What trade good was the most valuable along the Trans-Saharan trade Network? Salt
The Han incorporated more of this into their government system Confucianism
He was a Roman general that was able to take control of the Roman republic and establish the Roman Empire? Julius Caesar
What two barbarian groups sacked Rome? Visigoths and Vandals
A ruler would remain in power as long as he rules justly. The statement above helps explain what part of Chinese governmental traditions? Mandate of Heaven
What is the greatest legacy of the Phoenicians? The Phonetic Alphabet
What new sailing technology allowed sailors on the Indian Ocean to sail further and faster? Lateen Sail
Both the Han and Roman empires used large scale public works projects to build these to help connect their empires. Roads and Canals
What three individuals made up the Second Triumvirate? Octavian, Lepidus, and Marc Antony
He issued the Edict of Milan in 313 that stopped the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. Constantine