Ultimate Servanthood Philippians 2:12-18
Paul’s action phrases: Be obedient Live your salvation Recognize that God is your motivator Stop grumbling and complaining Shine like lights in the world Focus on living out the Word Rejoice and encourage one another
George & Amal Clooney meet Pope Francis
Why Muslims Convert to Christianity Christians practiced what they preached. Christians appeared to have loving marriages in which women were treated as equals. Christian-to-Christian violence was less prominent than Muslim-to-Muslim violence. The prayers of Christians had healed the disabled and delivered others from demonic powers. The Koran had produced profound disillusionment because it accentuates "God's punishment more than his love, and the use of violence to impose Islamic laws."
Why Muslims Convert to Christianity God had used visions and dreams to influence the converts' decision. Muslims can never be certain of their forgiveness and salvation as Christians can. As they read the Bible, the converts had been convicted of its truth. The converts were attracted to the idea of God's unconditional love. Jennifer Riley, "Analysis: Why Muslims Follow Jesus," The Christian Post (11-16-07)
DISCUSSION GUIDE 1. What is the significance of “so then” in (v. 12)? It indicates that there is a connection with the previous material in (2:6-11). The Greek word translated “obedient” in (2:8) is the same term used in (2:12). Paul is calling on the Philippians to be obedient in all things.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 2. What does Paul mean by “continue working out your salvation?” The word “work” is used here to mean to practice what you already possess. We must cooperate with God’s work and do our part.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 3. How can you cooperate with God in order to work out your salvation? By being obedient to His plan for your life. By sacrificially serving others.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 4. Some translations say, “fear and trembling” and others say “humility and dependence;” what is the meaning behind these words for you? We are to live before God in reverence and trembling in light of our weakness and struggle to live out His commandments.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 5. The phrase in (v. 13), “the one bringing forth in you,” is an expression from which we ultimately get our word “energy.” How do you feel knowing that God is working in you to help you grow spiritually?
DISCUSSION GUIDE 6. God gives you the desire or “will” and the effort or “energy” to do sacrificial service. What keeps you from following through?
If you are serving others, you do not have time to grumble and argue. DISCUSSION GUIDE 7. What are the most effective ways to stop grumbling and arguing? (v. 14) If you are serving others, you do not have time to grumble and argue.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 8. What does Paul mean by “blameless and pure?” Blameless – those who observe us have no basis to accuse us. Pure is the word used for undiluted wine or milk. We are to be undiluted by the world.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 9. How are Christians diluted by the world? Material things, media, the movements towards tolerance in society, religious universalism, diminishing of moral absolutes, etc.
By doing good deeds sacrificially. DISCUSSION GUIDE 10. How can you shine like a light in the world? By doing good deeds sacrificially.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 11. What does Paul mean by “holding out the Word of Life” in (v. 16)? We are to live the Gospel. Sacrificial service is the best way to accomplish this.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 12. How can you be “poured out like a drink- offering?” By praise sacrifices of joyful worship. By sacrificing for others through service.
Joy, rejoicing and reward. DISCUSSION GUIDE 13. What should characterize a life of sacrifice? Joy, rejoicing and reward.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 14. Where can you serve this week?
GET BUSY LIVING LIFE ON MISSION! ULTIMATE SERVICE Life Group Involvement: “All to service; some to leadership.” Participate in another church ministry. Participate in a community service project. Participate in a mission trip. Do an anonymous, random act of kindness for someone. GET BUSY LIVING LIFE ON MISSION!