into three pions Opportunities in p pbar annihilation S. Ong IPN Orsay


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Presentation transcript:

into three pions Opportunities in p pbar annihilation S. Ong IPN Orsay GDR Nucleon, Clermont-Ferrand, June 2009

Motivations for three-pion annihilation channels study To identify the relevant degrees of freedom in medium energy strong interaction physics. This channel represents a particular challenge in this respect II. Three pion channels, in particular pi+ pi- pi0 is a serious background of the hadronic or electromagnetic channels of our Panda group interest namely :

Distribution of the missing mass F. Sai et al. , Nucl. Phys Distribution of the missing mass F. Sai et al., Nucl. Phys. B213 371 (1983)

Uncorrelated 3 pions diagrams + two mesons ρπ,…

Total cross section vs momentum in the Lab frame M. Betz et al. , Phys Total cross section vs momentum in the Lab frame M. Betz et al., Phys. Lett. B398, 12 (1997)

Compilations : V. Flaminio et al., CERN-HERA 79-03 (1979)

Outlook on Transition Distribution amplitudes (TDA) Recently, interest has emerged to study nucleon structure with the TDA formalism in pi+pi-pi0 channel with large invariant mass of the (pi+pi-) system and pi0 produced in the forward direction. (B. Pire, private communication)

Why to measure the two pion channels at large angle ? No available data at high enough energy and large angle to QCD tests The open question of the Landshoff independent scattering mechanism and the interference of the Brodsky-Farrar and Landshoff mechanisms would be elucidated through the two exclusive pion channels of p pbar annihilation study with the Panda detector

Hard Brodsky Farrar mechanism b) Landshoff independent scattering mechanism ( C.E. Carlson et al., Phys. Rev. D46, 2891 (1992))

Expected PANDA counting rate for one week of beam time at full luminosity within a 0.1 wide cosθ bin at θcm=60 ° S(GeV2) Number of events 13.5 ~ 10^6 16 ~ 2 10^5 20 ~ 4 10^4

J. Van de Wiele and S. Ong

P. V. Landshoff, Phys. Rev. D10 (1974) 1024 Independant multiple scattering «  Landshoff » contributions to proton-proton elastic scattering at wide angle are important to understand the oscillation of the differential cross section with the energy. Landshoff amplitude dominates at large energy but is long distance sensitive and suppressed by Sudakov form factor. Gluonic radiative corrections to the Landshoff amplitude give rise to an energy dependent phase. J. Botts and G. Sterman, Nucl. Phys. B325 (1989) 62

J.P. Ralston and B. Pire, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49 (1982) 1605 Possible oscillation scenario : Interference between the hard scattering (Brodsky, Farrar) and the Landshoff mechanism amplitudes The energy dependent phase in the Sudakov factor gives rise to the energy dependent oscillation

Color transparency phenomenon However, Hard and Landshoff amplitudes are not sensitive to the same part of the hadron wave function. The Landshoff hadron is not a « mini hadron » The nucleus filters out the Landshoff amplitude It would be interesting to check the oscillation behavior of the cross section in the vaccum and the nucleus

Why to measure e+ e- π° channel at Panda/Fair Fundamental degrees of freedom to quantify strong interaction phenomena : Quarks and Gluons degrees of freedom ? Effective theory with collective hadronic degrees of freedom ? At « Low energy » F. Maas, E. Tomasi-Gustafsson et al. : Subthreshold electromagnetic form factors ? and Axial form factor in the time-like region by using a neutron(deuteron) target ? At «  High energy » B. Pire et al. : QCD Factorization theorem with the TDA Formalism ?

Conclusion Two or three pions channels : same difficulties for theoretical investigations. Details simulations with the PandaRoot need to be done for two and three pions exclusive channels in p pbar annihilation for feasibility studies of measurements.