“Creeds for Today” A creed is a statement that sums up what people believe about something important.
Jewish Beliefs Creed – The Shema Monotheism – belief in one, almighty, powerful God. Identity – The Jews believe that they are God’s chosen people. Covenant – Jews must remain true to the covenants made with God through Abraham and Moses.
“Keeping in Touch” How do you keep communicate with your friends? - Make a phone call - Send a text - Call around to their house - Send a postcard - Meet for a chat - Use sign language - Send an email - Use a networking site
Prayer Jews pray at home or in the synagogue. Personal or Communal Prayer. Male Jews over 13 years of age are expected to pray three times a day. Shema – most important prayer. Different types of Prayer.
Clothing for Prayer
-Kippah is a cap worn on the head. This is show respect for God -Kippah is a cap worn on the head. This is show respect for God. -A tallit is a prayer shawl that is worn around the shoulders. The fringes are knotted to remind Jews of the Law of the Torah. -A tefillin is a small leather box that is tied to the forehead and to the left arm, near the heart. The words of the shema are written are written on a tiny scroll inside the tefillin.
When does the Sabbath start and end When does the Sabbath start and end? The Jewish holy day, or Sabbath, starts at sunset on Friday and continues until sunset on Saturday.
During the Sabbath, observant Jews will do nothing that might be counted as work. Among the things that they can't do are driving and cooking.
What happens on the Sabbath in a Jewish family? At the beginning of Sabbath Jewish families share a meal. They eat special bread called hallah.
On the Sabbath, Jews attend services at the synagogue, often led by a Rabbi.
Jews worship in Synagogues. Men and women usually sit separately Jews worship in Synagogues. Men and women usually sit separately. Men are required to cover their heads. In most cases worship takes place in Hebrew.
Synagogue A synagogue, meaning house of assembly, is a Jewish house of prayer. Synagogues usually have a large hall for prayer (the main sanctuary), smaller rooms for study and sometimes a social hall and offices. Some have a separate room for Torah Study. There are no images, pictures or statues present. The Torah is the sacred scripture of the Jewish people and its based on the Old Testament. There are six synagogues in Ireland, four of which are in Dublin, one in Belfast and one in of which is in Cork.
The New Synagogue – Berlin, Germany The Choral Synagogue –Moscow, Russia The Lesko Synagogue – Lesko, Poland