Building great relationships between schools and employers 9th March, AMP Technology Centre, Rotherham Tristram Hooley
Overview What are we trying to achieve? What works? Models of partnership Building effective partnership What works? What are we trying to achieve?
Overview What are we trying to achieve? What works? Models of partnership Building effective partnership What works? What are we trying to achieve?
What we are trying to bring about Work readiness Employers report improvements in the work-readiness of young people ... Employment … and are more likely to hire them, resulting in reduced youth unemployment / NEETs. Skills alignment Employers report fewer skills gaps and shortages, particularly in relation to STEM … Productivity … which results in improved productivity …. Earnings … and increased earnings for young people. Equity The life chances created by the new system are available to all and lead to increased social mobility.
This requires changes from… Young people Schools Careers providers Employers It also requires changes in the way that they relate to each other
It is difficult but it is worth it! The evidence says that it can support.. Improved motivation Improved contextualisation of learning Improved attainment Greater understanding of career pathways Clarification of career aspirations Improved chance of making a positive transition Lifetime earnings
Overview What are we trying to achieve? What works? Models of partnership Building effective partnership What works? What are we trying to achieve?
Good career guidance (Gatsby) A stable careers programme… Learning from career and labour market information Linking curriculum learning to careers Encounters with employers and employees Experienced of workplaces Encounters with further and higher education Addressing the needs of each pupil Personal guidance
From careers co-ordination to careers leadership
Overview What are we trying to achieve? What works? Models of partnership Building effective partnership What works? What are we trying to achieve?
Discussion: Why is it difficult? For schools…? For employers…?
Brokerage is essential Education and employer links don’t just happen. They require prolonged effort. It is difficult for schools to manage employer liaison directly. The existence of a brokerage agency, brokerage professionals and a brokerage system are therefore critical.
Understand what is in it for employers Employers motivations Solving skills shortages Recruiting the right people Developing the workforce Growing a responsible brand
Understand what is in it for schools Schools have a statutory duty to provide career guidance. This covers the provision of employer interactions. Ofsted are attending to school’s careers and enterprise provision more than in the past. Parents are also enthusiastic about careers and enterprise provision. Good careers and enterprise provision supports many of the core objectives of schools: attainment; school engagement and progression.
Get in for the long haul Good relationships between schools and employers aren’t made over night. Building long lasting relationships is more important than achieving flashy ‘quick fix’ interactions. If in doubt think ‘how can I make sure that these people are still speaking in three years time?’
What can you do more effectively? How can you make interactions a good experience for everyone?
Overview What are we trying to achieve? What works? Models of partnership Building effective partnership What works? What are we trying to achieve?
Partnership models
References Bimrose and colleagues (2014). Understanding the link between employers and schools and the role of the National Careers Service. London: BIS. Dent et al. (2014). Higher Education Outreach to Widen Participation. Toolkits for Practitioners: Partnership. Bristol: HEFCE. Deloitte. (n.d.). Helping Young People Succeed: How Employers Can Support Careers Education. London: Education and Employers Taskforce. Hallam and colleagues (2015). The Role of Brokerage Within Career Guidance: A Literature Review. London and Derby: SQW and the International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby. Hutchinson and colleagues (2012). Developing Business. Developing Careers: How and Why Employers are Supporting the Career Development of their Employees. London: UKCES. Kolb, D.A. (1984). Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. London: Prentice-Hall. Mann, A and Percy. C. (2013). Employer Engagement in British Secondary Education: Wage Earning Outcomes Experienced by Young Adults. Journal of Education and Work. The Careers & Enterprise Company. (2016). What Works in Careers and Enterprise? London: The Careers & Enterprise Company.
In summary Identify one thing that you are going to change or improve about the way in which you work on school/employer relationships.
Contact details Tristram Hooley Director of Research, The Careers & Enterprise Company Also at @pigironjoe