Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contests— A Key to Successful Clubs, Area and Divisions Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contests— Presented at District 46 DEC Meeting for Area and Division Directors Presenter: Angela Lee Date: September 9, 2017 In Going Beyond Our Club – in the successful club series, Club Contests are highlighted as a great way members can grow either as contestants or participants. Area and Division contests help support our members’ growth even more.
Agenda - Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contests 2017-2018 Rulebook Updates Updated Scripts/Materials (District 46 HPL Project) A Few Points for Clubs, Areas, Divisions Provided later—Updates and Scripts – International and Evaluation Contests This is part of an HPL project that was approved by District 46. My sponsoring club is Queens Best. 2
2017-2018 Speech Contest Rulebook Humorous & Table Topics Updates for District 46 Rulebook, Contest Kits and New TI Tutorials on District 46 web page Updates in Rulebook noted But not all apply now to District 46. Not Applicable/Required: Pathways & Eligibility Assistant online tool Required in red Speech Subject & Preparation (4D, page 8): “Contestants must create their own speeches & each must be substantially original.” (note: the word changed from prepare to create) 25% or less of the speech may be devoted to quoting, paraphrasing, or referencing another person’s content. Any quoted, paraphrased, or referenced content must be so identified during the speech presentation.”* “Before all contests, every contestant must certify in writing to the chief judge that the content of their speech is or will be substantially original by using the Speaker’s Certification of Eligibility and Originality (Item 1183).”** All contest officials must be paid members, not just the chief judge, voting judge or tiebreaking judge (Eligibility C. page 7). Updates not applicable include the Eligibility Assistant Online Tool, located in (Contest Chair Checklist Preparation (Section 11, bullet 1): “Club officers and district leaders can use the Eligibility Assistant available in Leadership Central of to determine if a contestant is a paid member of a paid club, or a current district leader.” Updates Required for District 46 include the 1st bullet on Speech Subject & Preparation (Section 4D, page 8): *1. (note: this paragraph was unchanged in content, & was moved up as 1st point). **2. (note: now includes Table Topics contests) 3
Updated Humorous and Table Topics Contest Scripts and Materials (HPL Project) Use is Best Practice for Contest Chair and Chief Judge Ensure more participation, fun and consistency Last year’s scripts and materials were reviewed by 9 district reviewers including 8 district contest experts: Reviews and edits made based on 2017-2018 Rulebook and Updates Sample Contest Agendas (club, area) First Timer Contestant Flier with Contest Guidelines As of October 3, All materials available on District 46 website 4
Speech Contest Roles Contestants Contest Chair Chief Judge Interviewer Voting Judges- # depends on contest level (club, area or division) 1 Tiebreaking Judge 2 Timers, 3 Ballot Counters, 2 SAAs Interviewer Audience 5
# Judges Depend on Contest Level (2017-2018 Contest Rulebook Page 9) Role Club Area Division Voting Judges chosen by chief judge at least 5, unless if impractical an equal number of voting judges from each club in the area, or a minimum of 5 voting judges. an equal number of voting judges from each area in the division, or a minimum of seven voting judges Tiebreaking Judge chosen by chief judge 1 (Sept: clubs, Oct: areas, Nov: divisions, early Dec:District 46. ) 6
Some Important Points District Chief Judge can help with chief judges & contest issues Plan: Sample email to clubs about contests Your Calendar, Agenda, Contestants and Contest Officials Most clubs hold both contests at 1 meeting. Dual area contests are common. Agenda time - Briefings before contests start. Chief Judges need to find judges, other contest officials now. Use this DEC meeting. Contest Chair needs to start planning now. Recommend Area Directors are Contest Chairs for their Areas, Recommend Divisions Directors are Contest Chairs for their Divisions Study Toastmasters International Speech Contest 2017-2018 Rulebook. Plan Equipment Have new clubs observe/involved in contests at experienced clubs (Sept: clubs, Oct: areas, Nov: divisions, early Dec:District 46. ) The chief judge briefing is held in a separate location from the contest chair briefing with contestants. Equipment: Banner, Lectern, Stopwatch, (plus a spare, only one is allowed for use in the contest), spare batteries, Green/Yellow/Red timing cards or similar signaling device, Sound microphones, Projector for Humorous speeches if needed 7
Some Important Points Promote: Sign-up sheets for contestants and club contest officials(functionaries), who can obtain CL credit. Flier for First time contestants from the district 46 website. Inform your Area Director of your contest date(s). Invite special guests. Using facebook, twitter, meetup, newsletter, website, fliers. (Sept: clubs, Oct: areas, Nov: divisions, early Dec:District 46. ) Equipment: Banner, Lectern, Stopwatch, (plus a spare, only one is allowed for use in the contest), spare batteries, Green/Yellow/Red timing cards or similar signaling device, Sound microphones, Projector for Humorous speeches if needed 8
Some Important Points 1 Contest Chair (CC, can delegate opening to Toastmaster, Club President). Both download contest kits on D46 web. 2 Timers: give timings only to Chief Judge (CJ). Protests are only on originality and eligibility (not timing) & lodge only to Chief Judge/Contest Chair before the winner announced during ballot counting time. No Chief Judge, Voting Judge, or Tiebreaking Judge shall be a member of any club in which a contestant is a member (This point applies only to Divisions and Above Levels). (Sept: clubs, Oct: areas, Nov: divisions, early Dec:District 46. ) 9
Take advantage of the contests opportunities Toastmasters provides. Questions? Take advantage of the contests opportunities Toastmasters provides. 10
HPL Guidance & Action Committees Guidance Committee—Nancy Garlick, Raoul Yacinthe, Jennifer Chan, Lisa Qu, Andy Lewis, Bob Share, Marie Thompson, John McAloon, Kathy Blount, Gary Wapnitsky, Michael Friedlander, Jeffrey Duquesne Action Committee—Division A, clubs and areas 11