Suggested Organizational Structure for an Association of PWS
Key Topics Association Name Online presence (Web page; Facebook) Self-Help Groups Public Relations / Media Events Association Name International Contacts Creating information in the local languages Online presence (Web page; Facebook) Annual Conference Contact with Employers OUTREACH Increasing Awareness Contact with Speech Therapists + Research Fundraising
Step 1: Establish an Association Decide on a name Suggestion: Incorporate the words “Stuttering Association” Examples: Bosnian Stuttering Association The Gambia Stuttering Association Find out how to register the association as a non-profit organization It might be complicated It might not be necessary in order to start activities It WILL be necessary once you start handling money
Step 2: Online Presence Website Facebook group The ISA can host a temporary web page Include contact and event information Facebook group
Step 3: SHG groups for PWS Establish your guidelines for SHG Meetings Start in the major population centers Try to find a place to meet where you don’t need to pay E.g., Community center, Prayer center Public park Schedule meetings once a month to start with Advertise via: Announcements for self-help group meetings in classified ad sections of newspapers Flyers pinned up on message boards Local newspapers on online communities
Step 4: Information on stuttering Ideally, make information on stuttering available in the native language(s) The Stuttering Foundation ( seems to be a good, standard source for information about stuttering Prepare a basic set of information on stuttering. For example: Myths about stuttering Facts about stuttering Notes to the Teacher: The Child Who Stutters at School Notes for employers Stuttering and Your Child: Question & Answers; tips for talking with your child
Public Relations & Media Article on stuttering in a major newspaper Television report