State Standard 10.5.4 Understand the nature of war and its human costs.
The Schlieffen Plan Attack France first, with a sneak attack through Belgium Then turn towards Russia Avoid a Two-Front war
War Settles into Stalemate Tactics do not keep up with technology Machine gun = trench warfare “No man’s land” between the trenches
German advance stopped at first Battle of the Marne Paris saved Germany now facing two front war
New Weapons Poison Gas introduces era of chemical warfare The airplane plays a minor role, but with great potential for the future Tanks replace cavalry Artillery grows in power, range, and accuracy
The Eastern Font Massive Russian armies attack Germany and Austria Poorly supplied Russian forces suffer huge losses
War in the Middle-East Allies attack the Dardanelles, seeking to take Constantinople Allies suffer tremendous losses and fail in attack T.E. Lawrence(Lawrence of Arabia) helps lead Arab revolt against Ottomans
1915 Armenian Genocide Turkish mistrust of Armenian minority 1.5 million killed Still diplomatic issue between U.S. and Turkey
Germany losses its Empire Japan captures German colonies in China and Pacific Ocean British take Germany's African colonies Australia, New Zealand, and Canada support Allied war effort
U.S. Neutrality British blockade U.S. shipments of war materials to Allies Just what are war materials? U-boat German submarine warfare The Lusitania