Peer Review Why and How
Why Peer Review Collaborative writing and peer review are very common in the workplace Your superiors may review your work before it goes to completion Your colleagues may review your work before you send it to a superior or before it goes into completion
Peer Review is what you make it Ask specific questions. This is the best way to get specific answers! Be detailed in your comments. Don’t just tell your peer what you don’t like. Give him/her options for fixing it. Use your best judgment. Your peer might see something you don’t. Your peer might also be wrong. Get second and third opinions. Actually read the feedback you get!!!
Instructions To determine who your partner is, pull up the excel spreadsheet titled “Peer Review 10-7” from the Lessons page of the course website. Prepare an email to your partner that includes your job ad, cover letter, and resume. In the body of the email, ask your peer two specific questions you about either your resume, cover letter, or both. When you receive the email, you will do two things: Leave detailed comments on both the resume and cover letter using Track Changes (make sure to save both to your desktop before commenting so you don’t lose your comments!) Consider both content, format, and tailoring to the job ad. Prepare a response email that answers the specific questions your partner asked. Send your response email with the attachments back to your partner.
Linked In Genre analysis What is LinkedIn? Professional network with 225 million members Purpose? Networking Establishing your online presence Access to jobs Information about applying for jobs and information about your industry/discipline
Activity In groups of three, go to LinkedIn. Search for these two individuals (pull up their profiles in two different windows so you can compare): Amy Patton (Attorney at Patton & Fears) and Craig Dawson (Attorney at Phelps Dunbar) Conduct a genre analysis of these two pages. In other words, make a list of what structural and linguistic features are common to both and what’s different. What do you think is effective? What would you do differently? Be prepared to discuss your conclusions with the class.