International day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
WHITE RIBBON DAY is an International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. White ribbon day was created by a handful of Canadian men in 1991 on the second anniversary of one man's massacre of 14 women in Montreal. They began the white ribbon campaign to urge men to speak out against violence against women.
Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence In Ethiopia what % of women are subjected to this kind of violence 45% 56% 71% Source WHO
Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence In the UK what % of women are subjected to this kind of violence 18% 26% 30% Source WHO
Domestic violence In the US how much labour is lost due to the adverse effects of domestic violence per year? 5 million days of paid work 8 million days of paid work 10 million days of paid work Source American Institute on Domestic Violence
Sexual violence What % of women are subjected to rape / attempted rape in their lifetime? 12% 16% 20% Source State of World Population 2005
Harmful Traditional Practices How many girls and women worldwide have been subjected to FGM? 80 million 100 million 130 million Source In-Depth Study on All Forms of Violence against Women: Report of the Secretary-General, 2006.
Early marriage What % of girls in Afghanistan are married before the age of 16 48% 57% 64% Source Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences. Addendum. Mission to Afghanistan (9 to 19 July 2005).
Political Representation Match the following countries with the correct female representation in parliament France 28.3% Australia 14.2% Rwanda 11.4% Cambodia 13.9% Ireland 45.3%
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