Word Roots Faulty Logic Random Word Parts Literary Devices More Misc. x 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Word Roots 200 ego
What is the root meaning “self”? Word Roots 200 What is the root meaning “self”?
Word Roots 400 brev
What is the root meaning “short”? Word Roots 400 What is the root meaning “short”?
Word Roots 600 urb
What is the root meaning “city”? Word Roots 600 What is the root meaning “city”?
Word Roots 800 luc or lum
What is the root meaning “light”? Word Roots 800 What is the root meaning “light”?
Word Roots 1000 vir
What is the root meaning “worth or manliness”? Word Roots 1000 What is the root meaning “worth or manliness”?
Something is right because it is popular Faulty Logic 200 Something is right because it is popular
What is bandwagon (or ad populum)? Faulty Logic 200 What is bandwagon (or ad populum)?
Faulty Logic 400 Examining only the evidence that supports a chosen side of the argument
Faulty Logic 400 What is card stacking?
Drawing a larger or better conclusion than the evidence supports Faulty Logic 600 Drawing a larger or better conclusion than the evidence supports
What is overgeneralization (or glittering generality)? Faulty Logic 600 What is overgeneralization (or glittering generality)?
Attacking the opponent, rather than the issue Faulty Logic 800 Attacking the opponent, rather than the issue
Faulty Logic 800 What is ad hominem?
An unproven cause and effect relationship Faulty Logic 1000 An unproven cause and effect relationship
Faulty Logic 1000 What is post hoc?
Random Word Parts 200 micro-
What is the prefix meaning “small”? Random Word Parts 200 What is the prefix meaning “small”?
Random Word Parts 400 mega
What is the root meaning “large”? Random Word Parts 400 What is the root meaning “large”?
Random Word Parts 600 dur or duct
What is the root meaning “lead”? Random Word Parts 600 What is the root meaning “lead”?
Random Word Parts 800 pseudo-
What is the prefix meaning “false”? Random Word Parts 800 What is the prefix meaning “false”?
Random Word Parts 1000 cred
What is the root meaning “believe”? Random Word Parts 1000 What is the root meaning “believe”?
The main character of a work of a fiction Literary Devices 200 The main character of a work of a fiction
Literary Devices 200 What is protagonist?
Literary Devices 400 The lines spoken by a character or characters in a play, essay, story, or novel
Literary Devices 400 What is dialogue?
Literary Devices 600 A word, place, character, or object that means something beyond what it is on a literal level
Literary Devices 600 What is a symbol?
When expectation differs from reality Literary Devices 800 When expectation differs from reality
Literary Devices 800 What is irony?
A character who remains the same Literary Devices 1000 A character who remains the same
What is a static character? Literary Devices 1000 What is a static character?
More Misc. 200 The "mental pictures" that readers experience with a passage of literature
More Misc. 200 What is imagery?
A character who is not fully developed More Misc. 400 A character who is not fully developed
What is a flat character? More Misc. 400 What is a flat character?
A character who undergoes some change More Misc. 600 A character who undergoes some change
What is a dynamic character? More Misc. 600 What is a dynamic character?
The author’s attitude toward the subject More Misc. 800 The author’s attitude toward the subject
More Misc. 800 What is tone?
A contradiction that makes sense; an oxymoron More Misc. 1000 A contradiction that makes sense; an oxymoron
More Misc. 1000 What is paradox?
Final Jeopardy Literary Devices
Three Types of Third Person Points of View Final Jeopardy Three Types of Third Person Points of View
What are objective, limited, and omniscient? Final Jeopardy What are objective, limited, and omniscient?