Ballinderry Primary School
Rights Respecting School
Year 1 Charter
Year 2 Charter
Year 3 Charter
Year 4 Charter
Year 5 Charter
Year 6 Charter
Year 7 Charter
Year 3 Journeys Topic. As part of their work on the airport Year 3 made their own passports and used these to “travel” on their aeroplane journeys. They learnt about how “ Every child has the right to a legally registered name and nationality…. Article 7
Year 4 Fair Trade Game
Year 5
Year 5 Friendship Rainbows
Learning about the Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated Learning about the Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated. Assembly, January 2012
Celebrating The Chinese New Year (Year of the Dragon) with some visitors from the Chinese Community.
Day for Change We had a very successful charity day on Friday 4th February 2011. Pupils came in non uniform, fancy dress and we had some very creative hairstyles. £265 was raised for UNICEF to help children affected by climate change in Guyana.
World Book Day 2012
Sharing RRS Journey with SEELB Cluster Group
Our Harvest Assembly
Year 2
Year 3
Year 6
Harvest 2011