2014 British Embassy Meeting future development of the POL NAVY CDR Artur KOLACZYNSKI Senior Specialist Naval Weapon Systems Branch General Command of the Polish Armed Forces Inspectorate of the Polish Navy Overall classification of the brief: UNCLASSIFIED Introduction
AGENDA: Command Structure Areas of Interest & Operations POLNAV development: Modernisation Procurement Brief’s flow as shown on the slide.
Commander of the 3rd Ships Flotilla General Commander CHAIN OF COMMAND Force Provider Commander of the 3rd Ships Flotilla Commander of the 8th Coastal Defence Flotilla Hydrographic Office Operational Commander CHAIN OF COMMAND Force Provider Thesis: Location of GC, flotillas & HO, OC Role of the GC: training, forces’ prep for the Force User (OC) & Peace time command Custodian – in light of the NAVAL modernisation: the NAVY Inspectorate (within its basis) plays an important role of the CUSTODIAN. NAVY’s Inspector is the Director of “COUNTERING THREATS AT SEA” Poroigram that is encompassed by the overall OPS Program of the Polish Armed Forces Custodian’s task is to identify NAVAL capabiliteirs that will meet future requirements in the new, challenging operational & tactical environment. Procurement processes lie within the MoD but other entities are involved & responsible for. Maritime Component Commander Other Components Commanders
FINLAND MILITARY-GEOGRAPHICAL CONDITIONS POLAND OPERATIONAL INTERESTS AREA EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE 32 800 km. 2 I need to mention that the Baltic Sea is a main focus for the Polish Navy that is responsible for protection of over 10 000 sq km of internal and territorial waters as well as 22 500 sq km of Exclusive Economic Zone, which gives over 33 000 sq km of PL NAV Area of Responsibility. This area is an 11 % of land terriroty of Republic of Poland. Moreover, we are responsible for Search and Rescue within PL NAV SAR AOR. TERRITORIAL SEA 10 000 km. 2 GDYNIA ŚWINOUJŚCIE POLAND
THE AREAS OF OPERATIONS Baltic Sea: Ex MCM 2. North Sea: MCM 3. Med Sea: Op “Act. End.” Polish NAVY does not limit presence to the Baltic Sea itself. Within means & capabilities we are operating on the North Sea, Mediterranean Sea & Atlantic frequently participating in number of endeavors, mainly NATO: SNMG1, SNMCMG1 (including command role).
GS/POLNAV MoD PRESIDENT The main document that governs the NAVY’s development is the Polish Navy Development Concept, evaluated by the General Staff of PAF, announced by Minister of Defence and approved by the President of the Republic of Poland, in March 2012.
NEW EQUIPMENT (programs): by 2030 by 2022 SUBMARINE (ORKA pgm) 3 2 MINEHUNTER (KORMORAN II pgm) 3 3 COASTAL DEFENCE SHIP (MIECZNIK pgm) 3 2 OPV (CZAPLA pgm) 3 2+1 According to the long-term „Concept…” by the end of 2030 POLNAV shall be eqiupped with: 3 new submarines, 3 minehunters, 3 coastal defence ships, 3 OPV, 2 SAR, 2 recconaissance ships, 1 Joint Support Ship and 6 auxilaries like tankers, degaussing ect. Procurements by 2022 are also scheduled as on slide. By 2022 we will obtain 2 new submarines, third one is expected to enter service in a timeframe of 2022-2026. This is due to fact, that submarines are most costly purchase and that particular program needs to be extended.. Till 2022 we plan to implement 3 modern minehunters. This will enable to keep our dedication to our MCM missions not only at Baltic sea, but also as contribution to NATO/EU. 2 of 3 coastal defence ships will enter service by 2022. General idea is to obtain most unified units that will enable implementation of mission modules system. Mission module system is also to be implemented at new OPV’s. 2 of them will enter service by 2022. The third one „Ślązak” is a continuation of GAWRON project that is expected to close by 2016. Search and rescue ships shall enter service in periods as shown on the slide. The exact dates of comissioning new units will be coorelated with decomissioning currently used SAR ships. The same goes with maritime recconaissance/intel gathering vessels that will contribute to the overall ISR. By 2022 we will have 1st one and the 2nd will be operational in period 2022-2026. Last but not least is Joint Support Ship that shall be fully operational by 2022. The budget of presented plan is estimated on a level between 5 and 6 bilions of US dollars that is approx 15 % of the PAF’s budget. SAR 2 1 AGI 2 1 JSS (MARLIN pgm) 1 1 AUXILARIES 6 6 MCM UNMANNED SYSTEMS (KIJANKA pgm) 10 - Estimated budget of the NAVY investments in 2013-2030 : USD
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