DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A Approved for public release Future of Naval Aviation Weapons Requirements Unmanned Aviation and Strike Weapons Industry Day April 16, 2015 Mr. Kimble briefed this morning on how S&T plays into weapons development and we are in agreement. Now I will discuss how S&T plays into weapons requirements. The Department of the Navy is continuing its ongoing efforts to achieve an agile and ready force while maintaining the right capabilities and capacity to rapidly deal with contingencies across the globe. In our current fiscal environment, we are constantly exploring all areas of weapons development and procurement to reduce costs. Keeping weapons programs whole is a concern for OPNAV leadership while making enhancements to our weapons portfolio investments which support evolutionary approaches to develop new capabilities instead of relying on leap-ahead gains in technology Mr. Bryan Jagoe Deputy for Weapons OPNAV N980S DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A Approved for public release
Conventional Strike Roadmap Long Range Strike Roadmap AGENDA N98 Future Challenges Conventional Strike Roadmap Long Range Strike Roadmap Suppression of Enemy Air Defense (SEAD) Roadmap Today I am going to discuss the areas of concern for N98 in the present day weapons systems as well as future requirements to pace the threat. I will address the three road maps, where the Navy is today and where the Navy is going. 6/8/2018
N98 Future Challenges Longer Range -Longer Stand Off, Aircraft Launch from Sanctuary Lethality - One Shot One Kill Internal Carriage – Support Fifth Gen Fighter Ready/Sustainable - Improve Reliability of Components, Reduce Pipeline Backlogs Survivability - Defeat Enemy Defenses During Flight COMMS - Net Enabled, In Flight Updates Cost/Affordability - Lower Cost per Kill, Maintenance & Repair Cost Targeting - Multi-Role Capability Improves Operational Flexibility Top * Challenges facing in the weapons development IFTU Inflight Target Updates Longer Range Out Pace the Threat, Longer stand off, Shoot from sanctuary, Survivability is key to Pacing the Threat Lethality Improve Effectiveness, reducing attrition, Single Shot , One weapon to take down a single target, less weapons per aircraft sortie o kill more targets Internal Carriage Carry on the new Fifth Generation Aircraft Fifth Generation A/C will require internal carriage to maintain platform stealth capabilities Ready and Sustainable Easy to Maintain with Less Man Power to put together and load, Combat Ready, improve qualitiy of components to reduce pipe impacts Survivability Will be able to Defeat Enemy Defenses, work in GPS Denied Environment, Cant be jammed, COMMS Net Enabled Will be Able to Talk to Launch Platforms and Other Weapons, re target in flight, sustainment cost, purchase, repair Receipt of IFTU to improve targeting and retargeting inflight abort messaging Cost/Affordabliliy Lower cost per Kill and lower maintenance cost , lower repair cost, fiscal environment has hit the DoD especially hard Targeting Multi-Role Capability Have One Weapon on the Wing to do different missions, have one weapon for armor, moving and stationary hard targets, seeker and target selectibility, exploit modernization/modification of existing systems to improve operational flexibility Countermeasure Immunity Will be able to Operate in Counter Counter Measures environments Kinematic Advantage Out Maneuver the Threat Kill Chain - Surveillance, detect, track, id, launch, control, weapon 6/8/2018
CONVENTIONAL STRIKE ROADMAP NEAR - TERM MID (R&D) FAR (S&T) APKWS-II Rockets, 2.75” 5” Non-Kinetic Weapons Multi-Mode Rocket Small Boat Defense SDB II APKWS II Aircraft Gun Systems 20mm/25mm/50Cal JDAM 2 Mission Areas, Small Boat Defense and direct Attack We no longer have the luxury to wait for 10 years to have an Idea become reality. That’s the reason we invest in S&T efforts Most of our efforts today are looking to improve many of current technologies we have previously developed. In reality, many of these weapons are complementary and can be used in both mission areas APKWS II Advance Precision Kill Weapon System Provides precision guidance by placing a laser guided seeker on existing rocket motors and warheads on the existing Hydra 70 2.75” rocket system Low cost, Accurate with in 2 meters Target Sets: personnel, unarmed vehicles, lightly armored vehicles, armored personnel carriers, structures, ad man-portable air defense systems APKWS II follow on for Marine Corps legacy hornets A+ through D’s Fired from fixed wing Machine Gun Ammunition 20 MM Guns on the MH-60 helos and F-18 hornets 25 MM Guns on the arriers and JSF 50 Cal crew serve guns on the Helos Ammo Better Tungsten for penetration, Better HE for Explosion, Better Manufacturing processes to stop jamming 20 mm for helos and F-18s 25 MM for Harriers and JSF 50 Cal Machine gun JDAM GPS/INS guided technology put on a General purpose bomb Make it a smart bomb Increase accurcy on Stationary targets LJDAM Duel Mode configuration using common components for the JDAM Laser seeker kit/GPS/INS the ability to hit stationary or fast moving targets Continually update the estimated target location at impact to reduce aircrew workload, increase accuracy, DMLGB Laser/INS-GPS Provides time critical precision bombing strike capability against non-hardened targets in all weather. Duel Mode guidance allows the prosecution of pre-planed stationary targets utilizing GPS only mode and prosecuting targets through the weather utilizing GPS/SAL mode with the assistance of a third pargetting sources. SDB-II Glide Weapon IOC FY 2020 Tri Mode Seeker, All Weather Stand Off Select thee modes Wheeled, Track, Boat Attack mobile target at standoff ranges in all types for weather. 250 LBS warhead capable of multiple ordnance carriage, precision munitions capability, reduce d munitions footprint, increased weapons effectiveness, minimize potential for collateral damage, reduced susceptibility of munitions to countermeasures, and incremental development pat to network centric operations capability. Laser/IR Maverick Forward Firing Air to Ground missile designed for close in support Interdiction and defense suppression Provides stand-off capability and precision against targets including armor, air defenses, ships, transportation equipment and fuel storage facilities HellFire USMC Only IOC FY2019 Primary Point/Moving for rotory wing aircraft and the Harvest Hawk. Shaped charge variants are optimal against armored moving targets while blast/frag and thermobaric variants are optimal against softer targets and enclosed structures. JAGM IOC-19 Duel Mode Seeker (semi active laser, millimeter wave) All weather moving target capability through a 100lbs class, direct attack weapon system that will use a multi mode seeker Multipurpose warhead and extended range rocket motor to destroy high value hardened and non armored stationary and moving targets. Follow on to Forward Firing Weapon LGB/LJDAM GBU-56 LJDAM (BLU-109) Direct Attack DMLGB SDB II Follow On Forward Firing Weapon (Fixed Wing) LMAV/IR Maverick JAGM Rotary Wing USMC Hellfire 6/8/2018 4
LONG RANGE STRIKE ROADMAP NEAR - TERM MID (R&D) FAR (S&T) APKWS-II SLAM-ER Stand-off Land Attack Next Generation Strike Capability JSOW C SDB II SLAM-ER Stand Off Land Attack Missile Extended Range Forward Firing Infrared Man in the Loop guidance system Long Range, precision, air launched strike missile capable of attacking fixed and mobile and maritime targets JSOW C Glide Weapon Imaging Infrared INS-GPS/ Seeker Autonomous guidance Launch and leave weapon To Attack targets at increased Standoff distances Low and high altitude launch capabilities to enable launch platforms to remain outside the range for defenses which enhances aircraft survivability. Adds imaging infrared seeker and an autonomous target acquisition capability to attack target with precision accuracy. JSOW C-1 (In OT) IOC FY16 JSOW C with Net Enabled Improves JSOW C capabilities to address maritime threats Incorporate new target tracking algorithms into the seeker and a stile common weapon data link, giving the force commanders an affordable, air delivered, standoff weapon effective against moving maritime target as well as fixed wing targets. SDB-II IOC FY 2020 Tri Mode Seeker, All Weather Stand Off Select thee modes Wheeled, Track, Boat Attack mobile target at standoff ranges in all types for weather. 250 LBS warhead capable of multiple ordnance carriage, precision munitions capability, reduce d munitions footprint, increased weapons effectiveness, minimize potential for collateral damage, reduced susceptibility of munitions to countermeasures, and incremental development pat to network centric operations capability. NGSC Longer Range Rocket Motor Range Improvements Meet the 2028 Rotary Wing Threat Harpoon 1C All Weather air to surface launched anti-ship cruise missile employs an autonomous active radar seeke to attack a wide viraty of surface ship targets from stand off ranges. Harpoon BLK II+ IOC FY-17 Enhanced weapon navigation and target discrimination through the addition of GPS and network enabled data link OASuW Offensive Anti Surface Warfare Missile AAA Milli-meter wave Seeker Rapid Acquisition Program Increase Stand Off Capability against maritime targets OASuW Inc 1 LRASM Currently ongoing OASuW Inc 2 Meet the 2024 threat AoA is beign proposed to help define requirements for the following on OASuW weapon to address long term threats JSOW C-1 Stand-off ASuW SLAM-ER OASuW INC 1 OASuW INC 2 (Full and Open Competition) Harpoon BLK II+ Harpoon 1C 6/8/2018 5
(Full & Open Competition) SEAD ROADMAP NEAR - TERM MID (R&D) FAR (S&T) AGM-88 / HARM Block 3-5A SEAD AGM-88E AARGM AGM-88E AARGM BLK I AGM-88E AARGM-ER (Full & Open Competition) AIM-9M IR Missile AIM – 9X BLK I Focal Plane Array Guidance Control Section, Highly Maneuverable airframe Improved Range Signal processors that enhance kinematics and infrared countermeasures capabilities- Improved Target Aqusition AIM – 9X BLK II Provide increased lethality, High-off bore sight DATA Link for improved Target acquisition Beyond visual range Better Target Acquisition Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System will provide first-look, first shoot option Future short range CA/CAD weapon Increased range AIM 120 A-C7 Medium Range BVR (Beyond visual Range) RF Missile Global Positioning System Improved electronic counter-counter measures capabilities Improve High Off Bore Sight capability Enhanced kinematics AIM-120D GPS Reciever DATA Link Improves lethality Future medium range CA/CAD weapon HARM High Speed Anti radiation Missile SEAD Weapon AARGM GEO Specificity GPS/ INS Advanced digital anti radiation homing receiver for greater sensitivity and enhanced air defense system capabilities Advanced digital strike and precision attack capabilities Active millimeter wave terminal radar to increase lethality against modern air defense units, weapon impact assessment transmitter to aid and cure the battle damage assessment process Integrated broadcast service receiver for network centric connectivity reception of off board targeting information AARGM correlate multiple sensors and geo-specific capabilities to locate and attack both stationary and fixed targets with precision while countering enemy tactics designed for defeat anti-radiation missiles AARGM BLK I IOC FY17 Addresses Deferred KPPS and corrects OT deficiencies AAARGM ER Longer Range CDD being produced IAW JCIDS process to define the requirements to pace the theat. 6/8/2018 6
N98 Weapons Points Of Contact: DISCUSSION N98 Weapons Points Of Contact: CDR Scott Wilson 571-256-1760 scott.m.wilson.2@navy.mil Mr. Bryan Jagoe 703-695-1568 bryan.jagoe@navy.mil Mr. Travis Smieja 703-695-1624 travis.smieja@navy.mil N98 S&T Point of Contact: Mr. Steve Bussell 703-695-2162 stephan.brussel@navy.mil 6/8/2018 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release.