Staff development & Mandatory Continuing Education Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013
Staff development Educational development is considered an essential aspect of a nurses work in health care settings. Consequently, employing institutions should actively provide their staff with educational opportunities necessary for personal and professional developed. Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013
Staff development includes: Orientation: defined as an attempt for making new employees become familiar with policies, procedures, philosophy, purposes and rules and regulations of the institution. In service education: offered by the institution in order to improve or increase employees skills, knowledge and attitudes in relation specific aspects of the role expectations. Continuing education: provides personnel with the opportunity to learn new knowledge and skills, review and add to knowledge already gained, investigate new approaches in nursing, analyze and redevelop attitudes and strengthen clinical competencies. Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013
General goals of continuing education/ staff development: Rapidity of change in nursing care delivery systems necessities attendance of CE programs to ensure an updated knowledge. Fostering innovative and creative approaches to the nursing care of patients for the purpose of achieving improved competence in nursing practice. Assisting nursing personnel in becoming increasingly knowledgeable and competent in fulfilling role expectations. Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013
Mandatory Continuing Education Mandatory: required by law. Mandatory continuing education: participation in a continuing education program is a prerequisite for continued registration in some countries. Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013
Continuing education Continuing education provides personnel with the opportunity to learn new knowledge and skills, review and add to knowledge already gained, investigate new approaches in nursing, analyze and redevelop attitudes and strengthen clinical competencies. Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013
What is continuing education??? Continuing education means the variety of forms of learning experiences, including, but not limited to, lectures, conferences, seminars, workshops, grand rounds, video conferencing, and distant learning technologies. Up to 27 hours or 75% of continuing education during each renewal cycle can be accrued through independent learning technologies. Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013
Independent learning courses must meet all standards of an approved continuing education course. "Independent learning" means the variety of forms of organized and directed learning experiences that occur when the instructor and the student are not in direct visual or auditory contact. These include, but are not limited to, courses delivered via the Internet, CD-ROM, satellite downlink, correspondence and home study. Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013
Knowledge and techniques in the health field are rapidly expanding. It is essential that health professionals, particularly doctors, dentists and nurses, constantly update their skills. In fact, their patients' lives and well-being often depend on health professionals keeping current on the latest advances. Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013
Continuing education Most frequently, colleges, universities and professional organizations use the term to describe programs designed to assist practicing professionals. In an effort to insure quality, many health professions now require continuing professional education (CPE) for relicensure. Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013
In licensed practical nurses and registered nurses are required to take 15 contact hours (equivalent to approximately three, one-day workshops); registered dental hygienists, 20 hours; and dentists, 40 hours -- in each case, every two years. Physicians must take even more: 150 hours every three years, if they report to the Medical Society, and 100 hours every two years, if they report to the Medical Board of Registration. Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013
Mandatory continuing education Mandatory continuing education, as currently required, may be effective to protect society from incompetent health care professionals. One important purpose of the organization is to promote the development of continuing education for physicians, dentists, dental hygienists, nurses and other health professionals to enhance the professional atmosphere for practitioners. Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013
The Objectives of Continuing Professional Education For Jarvis, "the aims of the educational process are about the learners rather than about the profession or wide society" and the "aims of continuing professional education may relate intrinsically to the needs of the profession or to those of the wide society." Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013
Houle identifies several objectives of CPE, including: clarifying the professions' functions, mastery of theoretical knowledge, self-enhancement, formal training, credentialing, creation of a subculture, legal reinforcement, public acceptance, ethical practice, and relations to users of services. Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013
Houle believes that 1) The primary responsibility for learning should rest with the individual. 2) The goals of CPE should be concerned with the entire process of professionalization. 3) CPE should be considered part of a process which continues throughout life. 4) The patterns and methods of CPE should be planned and conducted in terms of one of three modes of education: inquiry, instruction, performance. 5) The provision of CPE should be expanded to pervade all aspects of professional life. تتخلل سمات الحياة المحترفة 6) Professions should collaborate in planning and providing continuing professional education. 7) The process of recredentialing should be thoroughly rethought to determine the appropriate role of CPE. Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013
What may seem like a deficiency of knowledge or skills can be due to inadequate equipment, lack of supervision, conflicting expectations or regulations governing professional performance and many other factors that have little to do with deficiencies in knowledge or skill. She suggests that by assuring that education assures accountability, education becomes the end rather than the means to competence. Thus alternative ways of developing competence and accountability are looked to less and less. Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013
Arguments in support of current mandatory continuing education are based on the assumption that: health care professionals need to continue their education in order to be competent; the health care that the public receives is in jeopardy خطر, if health care professionals fail to remain current in their field; health care providers can increase their competency through education; most health care professionals would not engage in formal learning within their own discipline unless required to do so; and increased knowledge will result in improved performance of health care professionals. Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013
Newer technologies such as computers should be used to expand the reach of continuing professional education into homes, work places and even automobiles. Peer critiques and team learning should be considered too. Mandatory continuing education is useful in maintaining professional competence. With revisions in the present system, continuing education can play a significant role in enhancing the quality of health care as well as provide professionals with an enriching experience. Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013
Thank you for good listening Miss Samah Ishtieh 21/11/2013