WELCOME TO SECOND GRADE Ms. Evans’ Class Room 222
Daily Schedule 7:30-7:45 Arrival, Unpack, Morning Routine 7:45-7:55 Attendance and Announcments 7:55-8:35 Instructional Focus 8:35-9:20 Writing 9:20-10:13 Reading 10:13-10:58 Specials 10:58-11:35 ELA 11:35-11:49 Recess 11:52-12:22 Lunch 12:25-1:25 Math 1:25-2:25 Science/Social Studies 2:25 Dismissal
Supply List 5 Packs of #2 pencils 1 pencil supply pouch 1 package of pink erasers 2 packs of wide ruled notebook paper 2 packs of copy paper Headphones 10 Journal/black and white composition notebooks 2 3-Prong Pocket folders Colored pencils 2 boxes of crayons Washable markers 6 glue sticks Scissors (Fiskars) 1 large bottle of hand sanitizer 4 boxes of tissue 1 pack of paper towels 2 tubs of Clorox wipes 3 boxes of Zip-lock bags quart size 1 Pack EXPO Dry Erase markers 1 Flash Drive 1- 2in binder No rolling book bags/backpacks, please.
SOAR Positive Behavior Support Students are encouraged to exhibit Safe, Organized, Accountable, and Responsible behavior. If students earn 15 punches a week, they will be rewarded for positive behavior.
Classroom Management There are 5 classroom expectations. 1. Pay attention in class. 2. Take care of the supplies and equipment. 3. Respect your school, teacher, and yourself. 4. Listen and follow directions the first time they are given. 5. Allow others to work without disturbance or interruption.
Consequences Verbal Warning. Conference with teacher. Removal from group/opportunity to think about the actions. Parent communication. Refer to adminstrator
Rewards SOAR punches Treasure chest Additional computer time Positive note home Student choice
Homework Your learner will have homework Monday-Thursday. It will consist of a review of the skills taught in class, vocabulary, and reading. Your child is expected to read for 20 minutes each night, record the book, and show the log to me in the morning. Students will log their reading in their agendas.
Contacting me Email chante.evans@henry.k12.ga.us Phone 770.389.6556 Remind 101 Daily agendas Agendas will come home daily. Feel free to use the agenda to communicate with me. I check them daily. I will respond to emails, text, and voicemails within 24 hours.
Thank you so much for coming tonight Thank you so much for coming tonight. I look forward to interacting with each student on August 1, 2016. Please take a moment to fill out the forms on your child’s desk. Leave me with the contact cards, consent to contact form, lunch form, parent survey and signed handbook form.
1st Assignment Take a brown paper bag, fill it with 5 items that you can use to tell your classmates about you and your summer. Students should be able to explain why they chose the items they placed in the bag. Students will present their bags on Monday, August 1st .