8/23/17 Number the first 30 pages (on top corners) of your notebook starting with the very first lined page. Think: What do you think are the benefits to keeping a science notebook?
Interactive Notebooks (INBs) in Science
Interactive Science Notebooks---HOW?
FOLLOW THESE STEPS! Inside Front Cover Glue or tape pink Classroom Procedures on this cover! 1st page lined paper Print your First and Last Name, Per #, and room 823. Copy hksahi@interact.ccsd.net
Right Side (Teacher Led Activities) Left Side (Your Side) Right Side (Teacher Led Activities) “IN” Question: You will need to copy the question, as well as answer to the best of your ability. You might not be sure of your answer here, but you must try! ‘IDK’ is not considered an answer. Concept maps, questions, brainstorming, Diagrams, Cartoons, Graphs, 3-item summary, etc. “OUT” Question: You will need to copy the question & write the answer to the best of your ability. These can be checked before you’re allowed to leave the class at the end of the period. Do not do ahead of time! (could relate to lab) Notes, Lab reports, and teacher provided instructions, guidelines, and handouts will go on the right hand side page If you run out of space, a new sheet should be glued on the bottom of the page and folded in and up. Do not go to the next page! This is the metal spiral. DO NOT split each page in half, please!!
A new notebook for each semester!!! You will probably need A new notebook for each semester!!!
We will be gluing or taping things into the notebook throughout the quarter. --There will be NO staples in the notebooks! DO NOT RIP ANY PAGES FROM THE NOTEBOOK!! --I have loose paper, should you need it!
Adding extensions (when 1 piece just isn’t enough ) Get an extra sheet of paper from Ms. S’s front table. Line up the top hole of the loose sheet, then tape it onto the journal page. Fold the sides & bottom up, so that nothing is hanging from your INB.
Extensions look like this! 3 1 2
Start Gluing!! Glue the green Lab safety and tools sheet on page 2. Glue the pink observation/inferences half sheet on p. 3 Glue the scientific method steps notes on p. 4, you will continue today on p. 5
Title page 7 Scientific Method Practice Lab