Brazil Geography Only 2 types of landforms Plains and Plateaus Escarpment-A steep cliff between two level areas at different heights. Escarpment provided natural barrier. As result much of Brazil’s interior was sparsely populated.
Northeast Region Large sugar plantations built by Portuguese colonists in 1500’s Brazil became the world’s major producer of sugar. Avg. life expectancy in NE Region 49 yrs. old. Extreme poverty Chronic malnutrition
Amazon Indians Only 10% of Brazil’s population lives in Amazon. Many killed by disease brought by Portuguese in 1500’s and current interior expansion. To help preserve population: Brazil govt. set up reservations designed to keep group together.
Southeast Region Brazil’s “Economic Heartland” Humid climate and fertile soil Largest cash crop: COFFEE!!!! Brazil: “The World’s Coffee Pot”
Other Economic Developments Steel mills and Oil Factories: Manufacturing thrived since 1950’s. Growth in automobile, chemical and steel industries.
Economic Challenges Despite strong agricultural economy most people live in Sao Paulo or Rio. Looking for a better life Many do not find jobs-live in Favelas Poor living conditions Dangerous and unsanitary Menial jobs or begging
Plantation Life Poor distribution of land- Few rich owners on good soil Poor subsistence farmers on sertao-(poor soil)
Government Policies Redistribute land-Promised in 1990’s but never followed through. Develop Brazilian interior Move capital from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia…gave away plots of land in Amazon Region…..PROBLEM? Amazon Forest=Poor soil
Deforestation Soil not very fertile in forest region-after few years of farming, nutrients were diminished….have to clear more land. Results: Permanent removal of woodland Loss of plant and animal species
Possible Solution Gasohol: alcohol-based fuel Ecotourism: Made from sugar cane Ecotourism: Tourism encouraging environmental awareness