The Election & You. 3 Points to Remember:
There is a God & The President is NOT Him. Should it go against our wishes…REMEMBER Psalm 146:3, “Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that day, his plans perish.”
There is a God & The President is NOT Him. Honor the President…But fear God, 1 Peter 2:17. Pray for kings and all who are in high position, 1 Tim. 2:1—7; Ezra 6:10
There is a Global Plan but it’s God’s that will triumph. Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 Real or Conspiracy. FACT CHECK: FACT. corroborates sustainability goals which are part of the global agenda 21 strategy.
There’s a Global Plan…but God’s plan will triumph.
There is a Global Plan…but God’s will triumph. Dispensational View: 2 Thess. Man of lawlessness will be revealed after a great rebellion, 2:3. Exalts himself above God, 2:4. There is a Restrainer holding back this time. Disp. Believe that is speaking of the Holy Spirit, John 16:8—11.
There is a Global Plan…but God’s will triumph. Dispensational View: Continued Time of Jacob’s Trouble and Tribulation of Revelation, Daniel 9:24ff. Millennial reign of Jesus, Rev. 20
There is a Hope & that’s the Gospel lived and spread by Christians. Matthew 5:13, 14, You are the salt of the earth the light of the world. Purpose: To direct glory and honor the God, v. 16.
There is a Hope & that’s the Gospel lived and spread by Christians. History is clear. Christianity was once an OUTLAW religion. It is headed that way again. Our Biblical mandate is not reform… but REDEMPTION.
“Turn off the TV, get back to your Bible and get a grip on things.” Spiritual Life Principle: