TU EBT Portfolio, Range-wide, & Focal Area Assessments Identify EBT strongholds, persistent populations, and migratory life histories based on EBTJV data, stream habitat diversity, and EBT habitat suitability Identify critical and missing elements Range-wide & Focal Area assessments Characterize habitat integrity and future security of patches using widely available GIS datasets, refined with focal area-specific GIS datasets Determine conservation needs and strategies
EBT Portfolio Concept: Diversity confers long-term viability in face of disturbances and environmental variability Balanced Unbalanced Retains historical genetic, life history, and geographic diversity Presence of large inter-connected populations Populations occupy a variety of habitats (streams, rivers, lakes) All life history forms present historically are represented Non-hybridized populations exist in all historically occupied sub-basins Has lost historical diversity Small populations Minimal connectivity Small stream habitats No migratory populations Reduced geographic distribution
EBT Portfolio Applied to EBT: “3-R” Approach Identify diminished elements of diversity and potential place-based opportunities to protect and restore important elements of diversity “3-R” Approach Resiliency: Having sufficiently large populations and intact habitats to facilitate recovery from rapid environmental change Redundancy: Saving enough different populations so that some can be lost without jeopardizing species Representation: Protecting diversity, especially life history diversity
EBT Portfolio: Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture patches Portfolio based on: Allopatric EBT population extent - EBTJV Patch size - EBTJV Stream habitat diversity as estimate of life history diversity - TNC EBT habitat suitability within patch – DeWeber/Wagner 2015
EBT Portfolio
EBT Range-wide Assessment: Habitat Integrity Based on a suite of factors related to: Land Use (e.g., forest cover, riparian cover, agriculture) Habitat Fragmentation (e.g., road density) Flow Regime (e.g., dams, impervious surfaces) Water Quality (e.g., 303d listing, active mines) Each factor scored 1 – 5, total score is sum
EBT Conservation Strategies