As you come in… Please turn your Love Haiku into the basket and grab a laptop. Don’t forget to sign it out. Get logged in and google search Do nothing else! Or face my wrath.
Act III, Scenes i Turn to page 69 Mechanicals: Fairies: Robin (Puck) Quince Bottom Flute Starveling Snout Fairies: Robin (Puck) Peaceblossom Titania Cobweb Mote Mustardseed
How to Limerick: Structure the lines as follows: Line 1: 7-10 syllables (A) Line 2: 7-10 syllables (A) Line 3: 5-7 syllables (B) Line 4: 5-7 syllables (B) Line 5: 7-10 syllables (A)
Chorus: Now that the lyric is through, I fear that my face is all blue. Your song was so witty, A wee little ditty, Sing us another one, do!
Verse: There was a young lady of station. “I love Man!” was her sole exclamation. But when men cried, “You Flatter!” She replied, “Oh! No matter.” Isle of Man is the true explanation.
Chorus: Now that the lyric is through, I fear that my face is all blue. Your song was so witty, A wee little ditty, Sing us another one, do!
Verse: There was an old man in a boat, Who said, “I’m afloat, I’m afloat!” When they said, “No, you ‘aint!” He was ready to faint, And sank that old man in the boat.
Chorus: Now that the lyric is through, I fear that my face is all blue. Your song was so witty, A wee little ditty, Sing us another one, do!
Example of Crude Humor: If you’re thinking my rhyming of Puck Will be mucky, you’re right out of luck— Though this naughty sprite’s Main cause of delight Is mischief and causing a ruck.
Your turn Now, begin crafting your own limerick. Rhyme-scheme: AABBA Must tell a brief (school appropriate) story Be witty/humorous Match rhythm of song
Limericks to write on the board The queen is in love with a donkey With senses gone wild, wrong and wonky— He’s braying and crass He’s such a bad ass And all because Oberon’s cronky There was an old man with a beard Who said, it’s just how I feared! Two owls and a hen Four larks and a wren Have all built their nests in my beard!