First 5-10 (homework check): 9/13/11 Turn in: Syllabus Materials Manager: Make sure everyone has their social studies notebook First 5-10 (homework check): Write down learning target in social studies notebook : I can analyze information in order to make sense of rights, freedoms, and consequences (Common Core Speaking and Listening 2). Warm-up: Answer the following question: What was the worst punishment you ever got? Were you punished because you were violating someone else’s rights or freedoms? Explain.
Bill of Rights At your tables, share you rights ideas (5 minutes). Come to a consensus about 2 rights that you think you should present to the class and write them on a sticky note (3-5 minutes). Have an argument ready: Why should these rights be granted to everyone in this class? Explain how these rights do not interfere with the values or freedoms at Eckstein. Choose a speaker to share with the class Class majority vote to ratify the rights.
Consequences What happens in the US if you do not follow norms or if you do something that takes away another’s rights? Looking at our classroom consequences. What would you like to see go along with these?
Last 5-10 Reflection statement (2 sentences): Rights, freedoms, and consequences connect because… I learned this by…
Language Arts Transition Materials manager: put away social studies notebooks and grab readers (see key next to shelves)
Write down the following learning target: I can prepare myself as a reader in order to be successful in readers workshop this year. Warm-Up: Write about a favorite memory you have relating to a book you’ve read.
P2 Only: Notebook Set-up Name on front of both (notebook check and book check) READERS ONLY Table of contents Books I’d like to read Reading Survey Number pages Orange tape for readers, purple for writers P1/2: Green P4: Pink P5/6: Yellow
Readers Set-up Continued Book Log Instructions Reading Logs Independent Reading Expectations and practice
Moving to Meeting Area Lights, Camera, Action Practice
HW & Reflection HW: read for 30 minutes and log in your reading log, pictures and magazine cuttings from home Reflection (1 sentence relating to learning target): One way I can be successful in readers workshop this year is by…
If Time…
Feedback from All About Me Impressive things first Complete sentences and no “likes” or text language (spell everything out: are, not R) Read the whole question HW is always due the next day History’s importance: “History delivers important stories of events and people who can serve as models of who to be and who not to be, what to be involved with and what to avoid. It can serve as the basis of decision-making all our lives.” (Taken from: What is news? Where can you find it?
Common Core Standards, Citizenship/Effort Rubric, Folders LA standards and SS standards Posted in room Important to your grade in this class Citizenship/effort rubric in binder Procedures (every Friday) Folders with names