English 7 honors NOTE: Mr. Grosshans
Let Me Introduce Myself I have taught all of my six years at MJH I am the head advisor over the National Academic League for Millcreek Jr. (district champions in 2016!) I have a ten-month-old daughter named Peizhi Contact information: kgrosshans@dsdmail.net 801-402-6200 NOTE: Insert a photo of yourself or a picture that illustrates/represents your content area or one of your hobbies. To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Give parents/students a little information about who you are. Keep this short to the point in no more than 3 bulleted statements that tell something unique/interesting/personal about you. For example, you may list a few of your favorite things, something you are passionate about, family, hobbies, education, accomplishments, etc. Provide your contact information.
Our Focus on Learning (English 7 Honors) Construct argumentative, informative, and narrative writing Analyze a text for its meaning, composition, and purpose Improve upon existing language skills so as to establish a strong, unique voice in writing and speaking NOTE: Add the title of your course. For example: Our Focus on Learning Earth Science In as few words as possible, list what students will know and/or be able to do at the end of the year (or semester). This could be a bulleted list or a sentence.
Classroom Policies and Procedures Arrive on time and prepared to learn and participate Respect all members of the classroom and communicate in a manner that promotes growth in learning and collaboration Complete all assignments in a timely manner and to the best of your ability Use class time wisely and effectively Write your first and last name on all assignments that will be submitted/turned in Check CANVAS for the class calendar and use the documents provided on CANVAS to quickly make up work when absent Ask at appropriate times for hall pass use or questions about past assignments Check the “No-Name” box prior to asking the teacher about a missing assignment NOTE: List rules/policies/procedures specific to your classroom (as opposed to school-wide policies/procedures). Consider policies for tardies/absences, late/missing work, homework/testing. Consider procedures for turning in work, picking up handouts and assignments when returning from an absence, etc. Also conside
Supply List Writing Utensils (I strongly suggest ink pens over pencils) and a pink, green, and yellow highlighter At least two paper notebooks. These can be either spiral notebooks, a three-ring binder with lined paper, or composition books. It simply needs to be paper that students use daily. A self-selected book to read following the completion of assignments *Although not mandatory, a USB drive is nice for students to have as an additional means for saving essays and other computer-based assignments* NOTE: List what parents need to provide and what students need to bring to class everyday, like pens/paper, calculator, colored pencils, highlighters, reading book, pocket folders, 3-ring binders, dividers, instruments, clothing/shoes, etc. Also, list any materials that will be required for projects/presentations that parents may need to plan for, like tri-fold display board, pop bottles for rockets, fabric, paints, popsicle sticks, string, straws, etc.
How to Get an A in this Course Attend class regularly and actively participate Use time appropriately during class and complete assignments in a timely manner Arrive prepared Ask for clarifications when needed Regularly check the calendar located on CANVAS NOTE: This slide may be optional This slide is where you set your expectations for the course and let parents know how to help their students be successful.
English 8 honors NOTE: Mr. Grosshans
Let Me Introduce Myself This is my sixth year of teaching I attended Weber State University I am an avid baseball card collector Contact information: kgrosshans@dsdmail.net 801-402-6200 NOTE: Insert a photo of yourself or a picture that illustrates/represents your content area or one of your hobbies. To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Give parents/students a little information about who you are. Keep this short to the point in no more than 3 bulleted statements that tell something unique/interesting/personal about you. For example, you may list a few of your favorite things, something you are passionate about, family, hobbies, education, accomplishments, etc. Provide your contact information.
Our Focus on Learning (English 8 Honors) Construct argumentative, informative, and narrative writing Analyze a text for its meaning, composition, and purpose Improve upon existing language skills so as to establish a strong, unique voice in writing and speaking NOTE: Add the title of your course. For example: Our Focus on Learning Earth Science In as few words as possible, list what students will know and/or be able to do at the end of the year (or semester). This could be a bulleted list or a sentence.
Classroom Policies and Procedures Arrive on time and prepared to learn and participate Respect all members of the classroom and communicate in a manner that promotes growth in learning and collaboration Complete all assignments in a timely manner and to the best of your ability Use class time wisely and effectively Write your first and last name on all assignments that will be submitted/turned in Check CANVAS for the class calendar and use the documents provided on CANVAS to quickly make up work when absent Ask at appropriate times for hall pass use or questions about past assignments Check the “No-Name” box prior to asking the teacher about a missing assignment NOTE: List rules/policies/procedures specific to your classroom (as opposed to school-wide policies/procedures). Consider policies for tardies/absences, late/missing work, homework/testing. Consider procedures for turning in work, picking up handouts and assignments when returning from an absence, etc. Also conside
Supply List Writing Utensils (I strongly suggest ink pens over pencils) and a pink, green, and yellow highlighter At least two paper notebooks. These can be either spiral notebooks, a three-ring binder with lined paper, or composition books. It simply needs to be paper that students use daily. A self-selected book to read following the completion of assignments *Although not mandatory, a USB drive is nice for students to have as an additional means for saving essays and other computer-based assignments* NOTE: List what parents need to provide and what students need to bring to class everyday, like pens/paper, calculator, colored pencils, highlighters, reading book, pocket folders, 3-ring binders, dividers, instruments, clothing/shoes, etc. Also, list any materials that will be required for projects/presentations that parents may need to plan for, like tri-fold display board, pop bottles for rockets, fabric, paints, popsicle sticks, string, straws, etc.
How to Get an A in this Course Attend class regularly and actively participate Use time appropriately during class and complete assignments in a timely manner Arrive prepared Ask for clarifications when needed Regularly check the calendar located on CANVAS NOTE: This slide may be optional This slide is where you set your expectations for the course and let parents know how to help their students be successful.
Creative writing NOTE: Mr. Grosshans
Let Me Introduce Myself I previously taught Creative Writing during the 2014-15 and 2015-16 school year I love classic films I play guitar, bass, ukulele, mandolin, and harmonica in a teacher band Contact information: kgrosshans@dsdmail.net 801-402-6200 NOTE: Insert a photo of yourself or a picture that illustrates/represents your content area or one of your hobbies. To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Give parents/students a little information about who you are. Keep this short to the point in no more than 3 bulleted statements that tell something unique/interesting/personal about you. For example, you may list a few of your favorite things, something you are passionate about, family, hobbies, education, accomplishments, etc. Provide your contact information.
Our Focus on Learning (Creative Writing) Recognize and write in a variety of genres Develop a voice in writing Create a multi-genre collection focusing on one topic or subject NOTE: Add the title of your course. For example: Our Focus on Learning Earth Science In as few words as possible, list what students will know and/or be able to do at the end of the year (or semester). This could be a bulleted list or a sentence.
Classroom Policies and Procedures Arrive on time and prepared to learn and participate Respect all members of the classroom and communicate in a manner that promotes growth in learning and collaboration Complete all assignments in a timely manner and to the best of your ability Use class time wisely and effectively Write your first and last name on all assignments that will be submitted/turned in Check CANVAS for the class calendar and use the documents provided on CANVAS to quickly make up work when absent Ask at appropriate times for hall pass use or questions about past assignments Check the “No-Name” box prior to asking the teacher about a missing assignment NOTE: List rules/policies/procedures specific to your classroom (as opposed to school-wide policies/procedures). Consider policies for tardies/absences, late/missing work, homework/testing. Consider procedures for turning in work, picking up handouts and assignments when returning from an absence, etc. Also conside
Supply List Writing Utensils (I strongly suggest ink pens over pencils) At least two paper notebooks. These can be either spiral notebooks, a three-ring binder with lined paper, or composition books. It simply needs to be paper that students use daily. A self-selected book to read following the completion of assignments *Although not mandatory, a USB drive is nice for students to have as an additional means for saving essays and other computer-based assignments* NOTE: List what parents need to provide and what students need to bring to class everyday, like pens/paper, calculator, colored pencils, highlighters, reading book, pocket folders, 3-ring binders, dividers, instruments, clothing/shoes, etc. Also, list any materials that will be required for projects/presentations that parents may need to plan for, like tri-fold display board, pop bottles for rockets, fabric, paints, popsicle sticks, string, straws, etc.
How to Get an A in this Course Attend class regularly and actively participate Use time appropriately during class and complete assignments in a timely manner Arrive prepared Ask for clarifications when needed Regularly check the calendar located on CANVAS NOTE: This slide may be optional This slide is where you set your expectations for the course and let parents know how to help their students be successful.