Get Organized! Write down your HW into your agenda. Staple in your flashcard checklist into the notes page for Session 10 (Unit 1 Review). Flip to Session 11. In the activity section, staple the pink outline page. In the 2 notebook pages after Session 11, staple in your DBQ documents packet on the left side. Next week when you get back your graded DBQ, we will staple that into the right side. For now, leave it blank! On the Table of Contents for Session 1 through 11, label the unit as “Exploration & Colonization” (you can draw an arrow all the way down if that’s easier!)
Unit 1 Test 1/7 = 14% 2/7= 28% 3/7= 43% 4/7= 57% 5/5= 71% 6/7= 86% 7/7=100% Open up your notebooks to the pink data tracking page for unit 1. Complete the data reflection on the second half of the page. Use the chart to help you determine your unit test objective score
Unit Test 1 Tutoring & Retake Tonight, get your test signed by a parent/guardian If you need to retake the test because you scored below a 70%, you are expected to meet with me for tutoring (Thursday morning, Thursday advisory, Thursday after school, Friday morning, or Friday lunch). On Monday during lunch, you will do a retake! If you score a higher grade, that will go into the gradebook for this six weeks.
Hoot Outs And this week’s hoot out recipient is…
SESSION 12: French & Indian War SESSION 12: French & Indian War *label this unit as “Unit 2: The Revolutionary War” in your table of contents VOCABULARY DO-FIRST Patriot: A colonist who supported fighting for independence from England. Loyalist: A colonist who wanted to remain as part of Great Britain. Describe a time when you disagreed with something that your teachers/parents told you to do. Why did you disagree? How did you express your disagreement? Did your teachers/parents listen to you? How did the conflict get resolved?
Unit 2: A Revolution When one person has all the power we call it a… DICTATORSHIP (a leader with all of the power) In the case of England and the 13 colonies, the Americans of the 13 colonies were living under a… MONARCHY (a king/queen) What happens when a leader refuses to listen to his or her own people? We are seeing a modern revolution unfold in the nation of Syria. As we watch the video explaining this conflict, be ready to answer: What did the leader of Syria, Assad, do when people started to dissent (disagree) with him? What rights did he take away? How did the army respond to the rebels/dissidents (people who disagreed with the government)? What type of government would we call the Assad government?
Unit Two: The Revolutionary War Causes of the American Revolution
The French and Indian War: the First Cause of the American Revolution History, though oftentimes told from only one perspective, has MULTIPLE perspectives. Today, we will explore how the French, Native Americans, British, and American colonists felt about one of the first causes of the American Revolution… The French and Indian War
NOTES: The French and Indian War The French and Indian War was a conflict between France and Britain over colonial territory in North America. Before the war, land to the west of the 13 colonies was owned by France. Much of the land in the Ohio River Valley, however, was claimed by BOTH the French and the British.
BEFORE the War: Use this TOP map to shade in the Spanish, British, French, and disputed territories in North America before the start of the war. Draw triangles over the region where the Appalachian Mountains are Label the city of New Orleans, the Mississippi River, and the Ohio Valley region.
Thinking Question What advantages would Britain have if it claimed the disputed territory for itself?
War Breaks Out! The French wanted to control this region, and they got upset when the British colonists tried to trade with the Natives in the Ohio Valley region. War broke out between France and Great Britain. Eventually, the British won the French and Indian War. France agreed to give over control of most territory to Great Britain. The British took control of almost all French land between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River.
AFTER the War: Use this map to shade in the British territory after the war had ended (purple). Draw triangles to indicate the location of the Appalachian Mountains and trace the Mississippi River in blue. Label the Ohio Valley region.
NATIVE AMERICAN POV When the French-and-Indian War broke out, most native groups sided with the French. The Natives had experienced friendly relations with the French, seeing them more as fur-trading partners by sharing the land and resources. The Natives knew that British American settlers oftentimes ignored native rights to the land and resources. British American settlers oftentimes kicked natives off of their indigenous lands, building forts and towns for white settlers only. When the British won this war, Natives were concerned about what would happen to the rights to their lands.
British POV The British, who had spent millions on defending the colonies, believed that it was only fair to have the American colonists help pay for the war they had just won. The British King was also tired of spending money on defending the colonists—as American colonists invaded Native lands in the Ohio Valley, Native Americans fought back against the white settlers. To avoid conflict between the Natives and American colonists, he created the Proclamation Line of 1763. According to this proclamation, no colonists could settle west of this line (west of the Appalachian Mountains). On the second map, use a black marker to trace the location of the Proclamation Line of 1763 and label it!
WHITE AMERICAN COLONISTS’ POINT OF VIEW: American colonists believed that after helping Britain fight this war, they had the right to settle west of the Proclamation Line and take Native lands. They were also angry that King George III was passing new taxes on the colonies, without allowing Americans to vote in Parliament. American colonists did not have elected representatives in the British Parliament. They argue that “taxation without representation” was a form of tyranny.
Think-Write-Pair-Share Do you agree with the Native American point of view, the American colonists’ point of view, or the British King’s point of view? Explain your answer.
Patriots & Loyalists As we learn about the causes of the American Revolution, we will see that some individuals became Patriots while others became Loyalists based on their P.O.V.! Next to your definitions for today, draw an American Flag next to the word “Patriot” and draw a British Flag next to the word “Loyalist”: Patriot: A colonist who supported fighting for independence from England. Loyalist: A colonist who wanted to be remain as part of Great Britain.
PATRIOT OR LOYALIST? Read the descriptions below and decide if that settler was a Patriot (supported independence from England) or a Loyalist (supported the British King): Johnny was a soldier who fought bravely for his British commanders in the French and Indian War. He had planned to move west in the new lands conquered from the French, but he just heard that the king declared no colonists could settle in the Ohio Valley region. Johnny is outraged! Do you think Johnny will become a Patriot or a Loyalist? _____________________________________ Explain your answer by finding at least 2 pieces of evidence from the paragraph:
PATRIOT OR LOYALIST? Charles was a top commander in the British army during the French and Indian War. Now that his country is victorious, he expects to get paid a large salary for all of his hard work. Unfortunately, he just received a message from the King saying that Charles and his fellow commanders will not get paid until the colonists pay their taxes and help pay off the war debt caused by the French and Indian War. Charles is outraged! Those colonists better pay up. Do you think Charles will become a Patriot or a Loyalist? __________________________ Explain your answer by finding at least 2 pieces of evidence from the paragraph:
The French & Indian War + The Proclamation Line of 1763 SIGNIFICANCE: How did the French & Indian War and the Proclamation Line of 1763 eventually cause the American Revolution? The colonists were forced to pay taxes that they didn’t vote for (taxation without representation) AND the Proclamation Line of 1763 prevented Americans from settling west, in the Ohio Valley. American colonists begin to think they would be better off without the British king ruling over them….
Activity: Comic Strip! We just learned about one of the FIRST major causes that led to the American Revolution. For your activity, you will create a colorful comic strip that shows these historic events. Your images should depict the Native, British, and white American colonists’ POV! When the timer goes off, be prepared to present your comic strip to your table group! If you are a super speedy group and you have time to do the extension activity on the back of your comic strip, work on that! Sticker prizes to groups who get this completed
Tonight’s HW: You will find out more about reasons the American colonists became angry at their King! Complete the reading and fill in the notes page on Mercantilism for HW. Please also show your parents your unit 1 test and get it signed!