Select WARF Entrepreneurship & Startup Initiatives 4490 Ventures—new $30M technology-focused VC fund created in partnership with the State of Wisconsin Investment Board Expanded Business and Law Entrepreneurship Clinic D2P—Discovery to Product campus-wide initiative for entrepreneurship UpStart Program for Minority and Women’s Entrepreneurship—13 week curriculum structured for small cohort; will repeat program w/ larger class size in Spring 2014 Entrepreneurons—the series to take if taking an idea to market is on your mind Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 seminar series, a total of 12 events planned Focus is on high technology startups Basics made fresh for the specific concerns of new ventures in our unique environment Local and national experts to lead presentation of key topics Panel discussion with entrepreneurs and other advisors Ample time for Q&A and informal networking at each event
Entrepreneurons Fall 2013 Program Date Topic Keynote Speaker October 3 Do you really want to start a company? Paul Shain, president and CEO, Singlewire Software October 15 The importance of intellectual property Stephanie Adamany, WARF associate general counsel October 22 Building a startup team Brian Wiegand, serial entrepreneur November 7 Lean startups and business plans Ted Feierstein, partner, LeanTech Group November 21 Structure and governance Kevin Conroy, president and CEO, Exact Sciences December 5 ***3-5 pm Early stage financing Mark Reinstra, partner, Wilson, Sonsini
Entrepreneurons Spring 2014 Program A similarly rich series of topics and speakers is planned Customer acquisition and development Startup accounting and taxes Business plan, valuation and financial analysis HR essentials Unique resources for minority- and women-owned businesses Marketing/PR/communications
Special thanks to . . . Laura Heisler, Director of Programming Colin Tompkins-Bergh, Program Development Assistant Shauna Baranczyk, Event Coordinator Becky Balistreri, Administrative Assistant Jim Armstrong, Interim Director of Communications Devon Cournoyer, Communications Project Manager For more on the Entrepreneurons series please see: warf.org/entrepreneurons Schedule and program details, including topics and speakers Registration for future events Streaming media access to past events
Do you really want to start a company? Paul Shain, president and CEO, Singlewire Software Joining for our panel discussion: Mark Cook, professor of animal sciences W. John Kao, professor of pharmaceutical sciences Dan Ludois, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering; co-founder C-Motive Technologies, Inc. Laura Strong, president and COO, Quintessence Biosciences Questions for our panel discussion may be raised during the panel session or emailed in advance to: entrepreneurons@warf.org
Additional resources Law and Entrepreneurship Clinic http://www.law.wisc.edu/academics/clinics/le/ Office of Corporate Relations http://www.ocr.wisc.edu/start-a-business/ School of Business Initiative for Studies in Transformational Entrepreneurship (INSITE) http://bus.wisc.edu/centers/insite UW Student Business Incubator http://uwmadsbi.com/ UW Research Park http://universityresearchpark.org/ UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR) https://ictr.wisc.edu/LaboratoryServices WARF http://www.warf.org/home/for-startups/for-startups.cmsx WARF Confidential -- Leigh Cagan – September 2013