Teacher Directions: 1- In your own words explain the prompt. 2- Student independently answer questions, teacher reads each problem and answers clarifying questions. 3- Proceed with next problem as the class finishes each one.
Name:___________________________ Performance Task Kindergarten—Trimester 3 Prompt: Jayden brought 10 treats for her Birthday Party. She brought some cookies and some cupcakes. 1. Draw a picture to show how many treats Jayden brought. cookies cookies cupcakes 2. Write a number sentence to show how many treats all together. 3. Fill in the chart to show which is greater. cookies G L G L cupcakes
4. The dog ate two of the treats. How many treats are there now 4. The dog ate two of the treats. How many treats are there now? Draw a picture to show your answer. cookies cookies cupcakes 5. There are 7 kids at the party. Are there still enough treats for everyone? cookies Are there any extras? Draw your answer. cookies
1 3 KINDERGARTEN PERFORMANCE TASK SCORING GUIDE Question Trimester Point Score and Equivalent Performance Level (see rubric): 6-8 points = Rubric 4 4-5 points = Rubric 3 2-3 points = Rubric 2 0-1 point = Rubric 1 Question 1 Trimester 3 The Student: Points: Score: 1. Draws 10 total treats 1 2. Correct number sentence 1 3. Chart filled in to match #1 1 Determine which is greater or less 4. Draw a total of 8 treats in relation to #1 1 Correct number sentence (10-2=8) 5. Yes answer 1 Indicates 1 extra (picture/#) Total:
Performance Task Rubric Kindergarten Rubric 4 Indicates that the child has made sense of the task and persevered. Demonstrates and understanding of the relationship between numerals and the quantities they represent Indicates an understanding that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. Demonstrates an understanding that each successive number refers to a quantity that is one larger. Rubric 3 Demonstrates an understanding of the relationship between numerals and the quantities they represent. Addresses most or all aspects of the task, but there may be errors or omission. Rubric 2 Shows that the child has made sense of at least some elements of the task. Shows evidence of understanding the relationship between numerals and quantities and that the last number name said tells the number of objects counted. May not indicate an understanding that each successive number refers to a quantity that is one larger. May contain errors in counting or in writing numerals. Rubric 1 Shows little evidence that the child has made sense of the problems of the task. Reflects lack of understanding of the relationship between numerals and quantities Shows little evidence of addressing the elements of the task.