Business English August 22, 2017 As you come in, take one sticky note. On the sticky note write 2 things about yourself that are true and one thing about yourself that is not true. You can choose anything you want, but make sure that it is APPROPRIATE FOR SCHOOL AND SOMETHING THAT YOU ARE COMFORTABLE SAYING OUT LOUD IN FRONT OF THE CLASS.
SYLLABUS QUIZ I will read the questions aloud. You may use your copy of the syllabus to find the answers. When you are finished bring your quiz to me and quietly wait for the other students to finish.
Objectives for Today Students will review and demonstrate their current proficiency in basic grammar, writing conventions, organization, and formatting of a standard letter of introduction (cover letter). Students will compose a well-organized, coherent letter that provides sufficient information for the reader to become acquainted with the student. TEKS: E4.15(B)(ii, v), 17(B), 18, 19, 116(c)(1)(A, E, F), (4)(G), (6)(A, B, D); ELPS: c5C, E, F, G
The Basics: Checking your current knowledge & skills… Writing a Business Letter There are many types of business letters. What are some examples you can think of? Cover letter Letter of reference The letter you will be writing is a LETTER OF INTRODUCTION. introduce a connection to someone else you know. That someone might be a potential candidate for employment, or someone looking for career assistance introduce yourself to someone you haven’t met to ask them to refer you to a job opportunity, request assistance with a job search, etc.
The basics: Checking your current knowledge & skills… Structure of a Standard Letter of Introduction Date Salutation Dear Mr. Walker; Dear Mrs. Smith; Dear Dr. Morton, etc. Brief introduction Purpose for writing the letter, including necessary info or details Conclusion, including contact information Complimentary closing Sincerely; Best Regards, etc.
The basics: Checking you current knowledge & skills…
The basics: Checking your current knowledge & skills… Tips for Writing a Good Letter of Introduction 1. Begin with the appropriate salutation. Be sure and use the appropriate title (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., etc.) 2. Keep it short and to the point. Letters of introduction do not need to be long. They only need to get the recipient’s attention and provide necessary information 3. Provide a quick introduction that tells the recipient who you are. 4. Briefly explain why you are writing and what you hope to accomplish with the letter. 5. Conclude with a brief description of how the recipient may get ahold of you if needed. 6. Finish with an appropriate complimentary closing.
The basics: Checking your current knowledge & skills… Instructions for Writing Your Letter of Introduction to Me 1. Date your letter (today’s date). 2. Include the appropriate salutation for addressing me as your teacher. 3. In the first paragraph, introduce yourself: include your name, your age, and the name of this class. 4. In the second paragraph, give me the following information: tell me if you like school or not and why; tell me what other activities you participate in (sports, band, ag, cheer, etc.); tell me what you plan to do after you graduate—be specific. 5. In the third paragraph, tell me how I can reach you if I need to get ahold of you. SCHOOL EMAIL ADDRESSES ONLY! No phone numbers or personal emails, please. 6. Close with a complimentary closing. Be sure to use good grammar, punctuation, and spelling in your letter. Also, be sure to write neatly so that your letter can be easily read.
The basics: Checking your current knowledge & skills… Questions? Remember, this assignment is only to check your current knowledge. Your grade will be based only on how carefully you followed instructions. However, I do expect you to do your best on the assignment.
Homework Complete your Letter of Introduction if you did not complete it in class. Have it ready for the next part of the assignment tomorrow.
Tomorrow We Will… Tomorrow we will review our letters of introduction. We will edit them, checking for mistakes and/or missing information. We will revise them to correct those mistakes, and we will turn them in.