Physics and Physical Measurement Topic 1.1 The Realm of Physics
Range of Magnitudes You will need to be able to state (express) quantities to the nearest order of magnitude That is to say to the nearest 10x
Range of magnitudes of quantities in our universe (1) Sizes From 10-15 m (subnuclear particles) To 10+25 m (extent of the visible universe)
Range of magnitudes of quantities in our universe (2) Masses From 10-30 kg (electron mass) To 10+50 kg (mass of the universe)
Range of magnitudes of quantities in our universe (3) Time Intervals From 10-23 s (passage of light across a nucleus) To 10+18 s (age of the universe)
Order of Magnitude Comparisons You will also be required to state (express) ratios of quantities as differences of order of magnitude Example: the hydrogen atom has a diameter of 10-10 m the diameter of the nucleus is about 10-15 m The difference is 105 or 5 orders of magnitude
Estimate Everday Quantities You should be able to estimate values of everyday quantities to one or two significant figures. How High is a two story house in meters? What is the diameter of the pupil of your eye? How many times does your heart beat in an hour when relaxing?