Year 3 Maths Term 2 Week 1
1 through 4 stay on the floor, 5 through 9, climb the vine. Starter Sunday 10.01.2016 LO: To round two digit numbers to the nearest 10. REMEMBER: 1 through 4 stay on the floor, 5 through 9, climb the vine.
LO: To round two digit numbers to the nearest 10. Starter LO: To round two digit numbers to the nearest 10. Instructions; Player 1 rolls the dice twice. Make a two digit number from the numbers given. Round it to the nearest 10. Write your two digit number in one of the spaces in the circle. Player 2 has a turn. Whoever writes the second number in the circle gets the point.
Sunday 10.01.2016 LO: To identify the value of each digit in a 3 digit number. Make a 2 digit number using your digit cards. What does each digit represent? T U
Sunday 10.01.2016 LO: To identify the value of each digit in a 3 digit number. Make a 3 digit number using your digit cards. What does each digit represent? H T U
LO: To identify the value of each digit in a 3 digit number. Sunday 10.01.2016 LO: To identify the value of each digit in a 3 digit number. Practise;
LO: To round two digit numbers to the nearest 10. Monday 11.01.2016 LO: To round two digit numbers to the nearest 10. Starter Instructions; Player 1 rolls the dice twice. Make a two digit number from the numbers given. Round it to the nearest 10. Write your two digit number in one of the spaces in the circle. Player 2 has a turn. Whoever writes the second number in the circle gets the point.
Monday 11.01.2016 LO: To compare 3 digit numbers using < > =. Crocodiles are very greedy and they always eat the biggest number!
Monday 11.01.2016 LO: To compare 3 digit numbers using < > =. 1. 132 97 2. 120 460 3. 325 375 4. 467 467
Thursday 14.01.2016 Starter
L.O. To investigate the results of adding 3 numbers together Thursday 14.01.2016 L.O. To investigate the results of adding 3 numbers together Add 3 consecutive numbers together. E.G + 2 + 3 = What do you notice? What about 2 + 3 + 4 =
Add 3 consecutive numbers together to see if you can prove the rule. Thursday 14.01.2016 L.O. To investigate the results of adding 3 numbers together Investigation Add 3 consecutive numbers together to see if you can prove the rule. EXT: Work up to adding two digit numbers together.