Doral Academy Open House 2017 – 2018 Mr. Cesar A. Pulido 6th & 7th Grade Advanced Mathematics 305-591-0020
Course Description This course has been structured to teach students the fundamentals of pre-Algebra. The advanced course will prepare students for their current grade level FSA Math Assessment, while at the same time further developing those concepts at an above-grade level capacity.
Student Expectations Students are to come prepared and ready to learn. That means having all materials with them and having completed all homework that was assigned. After 3 verbal warnings and a call home students will receive a detention for not improving or modifying his/her behavior. Electronic devices are not allowed in class. (It will be confiscated and sent to the main office per school policy). Complete their homework daily and continually studyfor the course. I give cumulative tests that encompass all material has been taught..
Bathroom Passes Bathroom passes are for emergencies only- students will be given three passes every nine weeks unless a student has a valid medical reason that has been cleared by the office. Per school policy, there will be no hall passes given the first and last 10 minutes of class.
Grading Policy Students grades will be based as follows: F: 59 or below Z: did not turn in assignment Tests are 35% of the grade Quizzes are 30% of the grade Projects/Carnegie is 20% Classwork /Homework is 15% of the grade
Class Materials Students are expected to bring to class everyday: Any homework from previous class Pencil, Red Pen, Highlighter, & Composition Notebook ½ inch, three-ring binder with pages of current chapter (binder shall not be shared with any other class) Any supplemental material given and/or posted online Students are expected watch any supplemental videos that are posted on the school website. These supplemental videos are usually given before a topic so we can have a basis for discussion at the beginning of the following class.
Textbooks Carnegie Learning Math Series Course 2 / 3 Will be distributed in the coming weeks. Students in the advanced classes have a textbook one grade level higher and right now I am not “advancing” them, but covering grade level material with supplemental materials.
Carnegie Online Cognitive Tutor Carnegie Customer Support Info Phone: 877.401.2527 Email: Students are expected to complete their Carnegie weekly assignments by Thursday nights at 9pm. Students were given a pacing guide at the beginning of school year showing all deadlines for the first quarter. It has been updated after Hurricane Irma and posted online. Copies are available for you to take with you. The only technical assistance a teacher can give is to reset passwords or restart and unresponsive problem. (*Must be given notice during the school week.)
Studying for Quizzes & Tests It is not sufficient for students to simply read their notes (or the ones I post online) as a review for a quiz or test. Students MUST solve math problems as practice for quizzes and tests. They can redo questions from the notes and/or homework in order to prepare for the assessment. I will try my best to send copies of assessments home at about a week after the assessment. Make-ups must be completed before school at 7am in my room, or during class time. IF possible, please have them come in the morning, so they do not miss any further class time / notes to complete the make-up.
Absences If at all possible, try to have students not miss their math class, as it is unlike any other where they can read the chapter and understand the content. Most students still need to see and listen to the teacher teaching the new concepts that we are learning daily. If a student is absent, I post all my notes on my class webpage and it is the student’s responsibility to view the notes and learn the material. We offer after school tutoring should they require help with the content they missed while absent. There is also a list of websites I recommend posted on my homepage.
Free Math Tutoring
Math Lab In an effort to assist students with internet issues due to hurricane Irma, we will be opening up a computer lab for students to be able work on their computer based homework.
Recommended Websites (highly recommended, all students should have an account) *Links to these webpages are also available through my school webpage.
Best way to contact me is by email: Best way to contact me is by email: If you wish to setup an individual parent conference you may do so by calling the main office at 305-591-0020 Please communicate with me any and all concerns you may have. In order to help be able to get a hold of you, please complete “Parent Contact Form 17-18” on my school website. Contact Information