Orthopaedics: Definition Ortho: straight Paidios: child Orthopaedics: the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and management of diseases of the skeletal tissue, its articulation and the associated soft tissue structures
Musculoskeletal systems: components Bone Cartilage Muscles Tendon Ligaments Nerves and blood vessels
Musculoskeletal system: Functions Protects delicate organs of the body Allows for movement Provides space for muscle attachment Aids respiration Assist in regulation of certain endocrine functions Storage of some minerals and vitamins Provides shape Others
Musculoskeletal diseases: Causes Trauma Stress Heredity Endocrinal dysfunctions Growth disturbances Nutritional dysfunction Neoplasia Infection Miscellaneous causes
Musculoskeletal diseases: Manifestations Pain Disuse of part Swelling Crepitation Fever Anorexia Others
Musculoskeletal diseases: Diagnosis History Clinical signs Radiography Ultrasonography MRI Computed tomography Radionuclide imaging Electromyography Histopathology Biomarkers
Musculoskeletal diseases: Management Relieve pain Correct all soft tissue involvements Restore skeletal functions if possible
Musculoskeletal diseases: Management Analgesics Exercise Weight control Physical therapy Nutritional therapy Acupuncture Surgery Others
Bone: Anatomy Spongy /Cancellous bone: composed of thin intersecting lamellae, usually found internal to compact bone Compact/cortical bone: bone that is dense and usually surrounds the marrow cavity
Bone: Anatomy Long bones Short bones Irregular bones Flat bones Pneumatic bones
Long bones: Anatomy Epiphysis Physeal plate Metaphysis Diaphysis
Long bones: Blood supply Metaphyseal artery Nutrient artery Periosteal artery
Long bones: Blood supply There is no true capillary network The ultimate vascular supply of the cortex are the canaliculi The canaliculi convey nutrients to the osteocytes in a separate fluid compartment Blood flow in the cortex in a series of Harvesian canal. New intraosseous blood supply are derived from surrounding soft tissues.
Bone Development Endochondrial ossification Intramembranous ossification