NIHR-funded Masters in Clinical Research Rosemary Huntriss Specialist Diabetes Dietitian Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
What I will be discussing… Why did I apply for the course? What was the application process? How did it work? What research did I do? What did I do when I returned to work? What are my future plans?
Why did I apply for the course MSc Advanced Nutrition Service Evaluation Trust Audit Competition Published paper Genuine interest in research
What was the application process? Approval from department Pick your university Application form Shortlisting Interview Selection
How did it work? Full-time (option of part-time) Secondment for 12 months. NIHR (National Institute of Health Research) funded my salary for 12 months Six modules: Research Design, Critical Appraisal and Evidence Synthesis, Research in the Clinical Setting, Quantitative Research, Qualitative Research and Statistics Dissertation: Qualitative research project, quantitative research project or systematic review
How did it work? 3 modules in semester 1 3 modules in semester 2 Dissertation throughout Roughly 0.2WTE allocated to spending in your Hospital Trust, mainly allocated for project work All assignments, no exams Majority of content online at the University of Manchester
What research did I do? Systematic review and meta-analysis considering the role of a low-carbohydrate diet in the management of type 2 diabetes Project of your choice which has to be considered appropriate by your University and generally of interest to your Department
What did I do when I returned to work? Spoke to my managers about my experience and achievements Ensured research activities were linked in with my objectives Commenced my own research project Working towards getting my dissertation published in a peer-reviewed journal
Future plans Undertake and complete my first empirical research study Publications in peer-reviewed journals NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship (?!) Goal: to become a leading researcher in the field of nutritional therapy for patients with diabetes, with a particular emphasis on dietary carbohydrate management